It depends how many other grades made up the 56.21%. All I can tell you is that your grade is going to go down slightly.
If all three tests are worth the same amount of the final grade,then your average is 83.3 percent.We hope it's not in Math.
94 will do it, and I'm hoping it's not a math class.
It would probably a D+.
it depends how many grades in the class you have.
If all three tests are worth the same amount of the final grade,then your average is 83.3 percent.We hope it's not in Math.
you would need anything higher than an 87 because its an average and if you get lower there is no way it can get to a 87.
94 will do it, and I'm hoping it's not a math class.
To pass the course, you would need to achieve at least 50% overall. Since your current grade is 38% and the final is worth 30%, you would need to score 85% on the final exam to reach the 50% passing grade.
62 percent regardless of the overall of the test still means you only got a little over half the questions right if it was a 100 point test it would be 62 grade for 62 right points if it were say 150 you would have gotten 95 points correct its easier for them to show you a percent which is if you had 4 tests and 2 were 150 points and 2 100 all were 30 percent of you final grade would not be added totaled then div. by four like high school if all four were 2 62's and 2 95's your final percent/grade is still 62 which means 30 x .62 gives you 18.6% for your 30% you need of your final grade still your grade is going to be a D for that percentage.
80% or B-
60 percent would normally be a grade of D.
If 50 is passing: right now the contribution towards the total grade is (.70)*52, so the total grade = (.70)*52 + (.30)*E [for the final exam grade]. If the target is 50 for the total grade, then 50 = (.70)*52 + (.30)*E, and solve for E = (50 - (.70)*52)/(.30) = 45.3333, so a grade of 46 would put the final grade over 50. By the way, the maximum possible grade of a 100 on the final will result in 66.4 for the total grade.
Since the final is only worth 25 percent of your grade, you would add your class average of 84 three times. Then take that total of 252 and add it to your exam grade of 75 for a total of 327. Divide this number by 4 to get your final average of 81.75 percent.
Usually, it will be a grade of 'D+'