2009 - 1941 = 68 on their birthday in 2009
If you were born today, in 1974, you would be, 36.
If you were born before today in 1992 you would be 20, if you were born after today you would be 19.
The person would be 34 years old today.
You would be 59 years old
your not very intelligent are you? okay ill teach you... he was born in 1941 take 2010 away from 1941 so he would be 69... you genius :)
If you were born in 1941 you would be 72 on your birthday in 2013
2009 - 1941 = 68 on their birthday in 2009
Ernesto Miranda was born on March 9, 1941.
Maureen Reagan was born on January 4, 1941 and died on August 8, 2001. This would have been 60 years old at the time of death or 69 years old today.
Christian Sinding was born on January 11, 1856 and died on December 3, 1941. This would have been 85 years old at the time of death or 154 years old today.
Babe Ruth was born February 6, 1895 which would make him 114 years old.
If you were born today, in 1974, you would be, 36.
Richard Holbrook is 69 years old (birthdate: April 24, 1941).
Louis Chevrolet died on June 6, 1941 at the age of 62.
If you were born before today in 1992 you would be 20, if you were born after today you would be 19.
Emanuel Lasker was born on December 24, 1868 and died on January 11, 1941. Emanuel Lasker would have been 72 years old at the time of death or 146 years old today.