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Q: If Ken drove his motorboat a distance of 1500 m in 8.102s how fast was his boat moving in meters per second and kilometers per hour?
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How long does it take a cricket ball moving 50 meters per second to travel 30 meters?

speed = distance/time --> time = distance/speed = (30 m)/(50 m/s) = 0.6 seconds

What is the average speed of 1000 meters ran in 13 seconds?

When you run 1000 metres, you don't go at the same speed all the way. However, if you know the distance you ran and the time it took, then you can find the speed you would have had to go at if you had gone at the same speed all the way. That is called the average speed. The average speed in kilometers per hour is the distance in kilometers divided by the time in hours. 1000 m divided by 13 s =76.9231 m/s 76.9231 m/s multiplied by 60 seconds/minute = 4615.3846 meters/minute 4615.3846 meters/minute multiplied by 60 minutes/hour = 276,923.08 meters/hour 276,923.08 meters/hour divided by 1000 meters/kilometer = 276.923 kilometers/hour 276.923 kilometers/hour divided by 1.6 kilometers/mile = 173.08 miles/hour To answer the question of 100 meters run in 13 seconds, which is a bit more feasible for running, divide all the answers by 10, which is the same as moving the decimal point 1 digit to the left, as in 17.31 miles per hour.

How many meter s are in 220 km?

Conversion from kilometers to meters is just moving the decimal point three places to the right. 220 km = 220000 m

Who is moving faster a runner running at a rate of 10 meters per second or a bicyclist who is riding at 36 kilometers per hour?

they are both traveling at te same rate.

A car moving 100 kilometers per hour move how many kilometers per second?

1 hour = 3,600 seconds 100 km/hr = (100 / 3,600) = 0.027777 km/sec = 27 and 7/9ths meters per second.

Related questions

What tells how fast an object is moving?

The speed of an object tells how fast it is moving. Speed is measured as distance traveled per unit of time, usually in meters per second or kilometers per hour.

What information do you need in order to find the speed of a moving object?

To find the speed of a moving object, you typically need the distance it has traveled and the time it took to travel that distance. Speed is calculated by dividing the distance by the time. It can be expressed in units such as meters per second, kilometers per hour, or miles per hour.

What is the rate at which an object covers distance in a particular directions?

The rate at which an object covers distance in a particular direction is called speed. It is typically measured in distance units per unit of time, such as meters per second or kilometers per hour. Speed indicates how fast an object is moving in a specified direction.

A measure of how fast an object moves is?

The speed of an object is a measure of how fast it is moving. Speed is typically measured in distance units per time unit, such as meters per second.

What is an example of correct units for speed?

An example of correct units for speed is meters per second (m/s) or kilometers per hour (km/hr). These units represent the distance traveled per unit of time, indicating how fast an object is moving.

What tool you use to calculate speed?

To calculate speed, you can use a simple formula: Speed = distance ÷ time. You can measure distance in meters or kilometers and time in seconds, minutes, or hours. This formula helps determine how fast an object is moving in a given direction.

How long does it take a cricket ball moving 50 meters per second to travel 30 meters?

speed = distance/time --> time = distance/speed = (30 m)/(50 m/s) = 0.6 seconds

A people moving conveyor-belt moves a 600-newton person a distance of 100 meters through the airport?

This question is not quite clear as to what answer is being sought out. This is more of a statement, so yes, a people moving conveyor-belt moves a 600-newton person a distance of 100 meters through an airport.

What is the average speed of 1000 meters ran in 13 seconds?

When you run 1000 metres, you don't go at the same speed all the way. However, if you know the distance you ran and the time it took, then you can find the speed you would have had to go at if you had gone at the same speed all the way. That is called the average speed. The average speed in kilometers per hour is the distance in kilometers divided by the time in hours. 1000 m divided by 13 s =76.9231 m/s 76.9231 m/s multiplied by 60 seconds/minute = 4615.3846 meters/minute 4615.3846 meters/minute multiplied by 60 minutes/hour = 276,923.08 meters/hour 276,923.08 meters/hour divided by 1000 meters/kilometer = 276.923 kilometers/hour 276.923 kilometers/hour divided by 1.6 kilometers/mile = 173.08 miles/hour To answer the question of 100 meters run in 13 seconds, which is a bit more feasible for running, divide all the answers by 10, which is the same as moving the decimal point 1 digit to the left, as in 17.31 miles per hour.

How is motion described in terms of speed?

Motion is described in terms of speed by calculating the rate at which an object covers a distance. Speed is the distance traveled by an object per unit of time, commonly measured in meters per second (m/s) or kilometers per hour (km/h). It indicates how fast or slow an object is moving.

Simple definition of distance in trem of physics?

Distance is a scalar quantity that measures the length between two points in space. It is a physical quantity that can be described in terms of units such as meters or kilometers. Distance is related to the concept of displacement, but it only considers the total length traveled regardless of direction.

What is the length of mercury?

Mercury has an elliptical orbit and circles the Sun once every 88 days. The distance from the Sun varies from 46 to 70 million kilometers (23.5 to 43.0 million miles). The mean distance of 58 million kilometers would give an orbit length of about 364 million kilometers, moving at 47.87 kilometers per second.