It depends on when the due date is, rather than when the baby was born. However, if that was also the due date it would make the conception date roughly October 28th 2005, give or take a few days. However, it's difficult to accurately say when a conception date is.
Of a human baby..
In 2010, 1 year
Globally the ratio is about 100:107 Boys are weaker and more likely to die before puberty.
the word baby has two syllables
The approximate date of conception was April 25th 2009.
Presumed Conception Date: 11/23/2008 go to \ It is great been using it for years...
August 14th 2009? This would make your conception date roughly November 20th, give or take a few days. However, it is difficult to accurately say when you conceived. Therefore, I suggest speaking to your doctor, midwife or obstetrician about it.
Do you mean August 8th 2010? This makes your conception date roughly November 14th, give or take a few days. However, it is difficult to accurately say when a conception date is. Therefore, I suggest talking to your doctor, midwife or obstetrician about it.
Around January 25th.
Baby Powder - 2009 was released on: USA: 14 November 2009 (Atlanta, Georgia)
The approximate date of conception was June 14th 2008
The approximate date of conception was July 4th
If July 20th was calculated as your due date early in your pregnancy the date calculator works. However if your baby was born at term on July 20th and you are working backwards from that date you could be 2 wweks out either way.
Based on a normal gestation period of 40 weeks the conception date was August 20th.
The approximate date of conception was June 23rd 2009.
October 3rd 2009 (give or take a few days)