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assume river velocity = X mph boat velocity = 20 mph

time to go 6 miles downstream = T1

time to go 3 miles upstream = T2

distance = time * velocity

downstream: 6 mi = T1 * (boat velocity + river velocity)

upstream: 3 mi = T2 * (boat velocity - river velocity)

6 = T1 * ( 20 + X )

3 = T2 * ( 20 - X )

T1 * ( 20 + X ) = 2 * ( T2 * ( 20 - X ) )

since T1 = T2 then

20 + X = 40 - 2X

3X = 20

X = 6.67

thus, river velocity is 6.67mph

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Q: If a boat can go 20 miles per hours in still water and can go six miles downstream and 3 miles up stream in the same time how fast is the river?
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What is the definition of river mouth?

A river mouth is a portion of a stream where it merges with another stream. Note that here the definition of stream is not "a small river", but "any flowing current within well defined banks."

A river has a current of 4 mph find the speed of simons boat in still water if it goes 40 miles downstream in the same time as 24 miles upstream?

Let s = unknown speed in still water in units of miles per hour. The downstream speed will then be s + 4 and the upstream speed s - 4. In an equal time t in units of hours, t(s+4) = 40 and t(s-4) = 24. Multiplying out the parenthetical expressions yields ts + 4t = 40 and ts - 4t = 24. Subtracting the second of these equations from the first gives 8t = 16, or t = 2 hours. Therefore, ts +4t = 40, by substituting 2 for t becomes: 2s + 8 = 40, or 2s = 40 - 8 = 32, or s = 16 miles per hour.

What is the rate of the river's current if a tug tows a barge 24 miles up a river at 10 miles per hour and returns down the river at 12 miles per hour The trip took 5 and a half hours?

Assuming the tug speed is relative to the river flow and is constant over each trip, and the river flows at the same constant rate during the trips, then: Let the flow rate down river be x mph Then the land speed when going upriver is 10 - x mph and the land speed when going down river is 12 + x mph This gives the total time for the journeys: time = distance/speed → 5½ hours = 24 miles/(10 - x)mph + 24 miles/(12 + x)mph → 11/2 = 24(12 + x + 10 - x)/(10 - x)(12 + x) → 11/2 = 24×22/(120 - 2x - x²) → 120 - 2x - x² = 24×22×2/11 → x² + 2x - 120 + 96 = 0 → x² + 2x - 24 = 0 → (x - 4)(x + 6) = 0 → x = 4 or -6 → The river is flowing at 4 mph down the river or 6 mph up the river. If the river is non-tidal, then the river is flowing at 4 mph down the river. (In river terms, up is towards the source of the river, down is towards the mouth of the river, and for a tidal river, eg the Thames between Richmond and its mouth, the current can be flowing up or down the river - the rate will not be constant, but for a period of time whilst the tide is flowing in one direction can be considered to be constant.)

Is a length of a river 30 miles 30 feet or 30 yards?

It is 30 miles.

Feet inches yard miles which one will you measure a river?

It depends on what you're measuring. If measuring the length of the river, then miles. If measuring the width, then probably yards (or feet). If measuring water depth, then probably feet.

Related questions

Is downstream a compound word?

No, "downstream" is not a compound word. It is a single word that combines the words "down" and "stream" to refer to the direction in which a river or stream flows.

What is a stream profile?

a cross sectional view of a stream from its source, or head waters, to its mouth the point downstream where the river empties into another body of water.

Does gradient of a stream increase or decrease downstream?

Decrease. The source of the river is usually in a mountainous area with a steep gradient.

How far down the river thames is London bridge?

London Bridge is about 150 miles downstream from the source of the river Thames.

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This is when a river,lake,sea or stream has a load or something that its carrying, when it is moved downstream or to another location that is transportation

How does the gradient of river affect it flow?

The gradient of a stream affects the speed of the water as it moves downstream. The steeper the gradient, the faster the water moves.

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The wearing down of soil and bedrock of a river or stream creates a channel, which is a trough or groove formed by the flow of water. This channel path is where the river or stream flows and carries sediment downstream. Over time, erosion can widen and deepen the channel, shaping the landscape.

A boat on the Missouri river took 2 hours to go 48 miles downstream. The boat took 3 hours to return the same distance upstream. Find the rate of the boat in still water and the rate of the current.?

Boats speed = 24 miles per hour.Current speed = 4 miles per hour.

What is the route a river takes called?

In contemporary English, there is no single term that denotes authoritatively the direction in which a stream or river flows. 'Stream-flow' may be used; however, 'downstream' is practically applicable and commonly used, along with a number of other equivalent terms.

Is the mouth of the Nile River upstream or downstream from its source?

Downstream. The source of a river is always upstream.

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No. It's on a river which flows into the English Channel 200 miles downstream.

What is the downstream portion of a river?

the mouth of the river.?