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Q: If a car can go 0 to 60 mph in 8 seconds what would be its final speed after 5 seconds if its starting speed were 50 mph?
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A rock dropped on the moon will increase its speed from 0 its starting speed to 8.15 in about 5 seconds If you were standing on the moon measuring the rock's motion what would you measure?

You would observe the rock falling from rest and accelerating to a speed of 8.15 m/s in about 5 seconds due to the moon's gravity. This motion can be described using equations of motion, such as the equations of uniformly accelerated motion.

What is for acceleration?

Acceleration = force / mass The correct equation would be acceleration= the final velocity - the initial velocity divided by time which can be written like this: V (Final speed) - U (Starting speed) ____________________________ T (Time)

What is speed of a freely falling object ten seconds after starting from rest?

The speed of a freely falling object 10 seconds after starting from rest is approximately 98 m/s. This is because in free fall, the acceleration due to gravity is approximately 9.8 m/s^2, so after 10 seconds, the object would have reached a speed of 98 m/s.

A rock dropped on the moon will increase its speed from 0 ms its starting speed to 8.15 ms in about 5 seconds If you were standing on the moon measuring the rocks motion what would you measure?

metres1.63 m/s2

Suppose a rock is dropped off a cliff with an initial speed of 0 ms. What is the rock's speed after 5 seconds in ms if it encounters no air resistance?

The rock's speed after 5 seconds would be approximately 49 m/s. This is calculated using the formula v = g * t, where v is the final speed, g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2), and t is the time elapsed (5 seconds).

A jogger travels at a speed of 5 mile and seconds for one miute How fast would he or she travel in5 miles and seconds?

A jogger travels at a speed of 5 miles and seconds for a minute. How far would he or she travel in that time

Near the end of page 124 of your reading material you are shown a calculation to determine a car's final speed after accelerating for four seconds. If everything else in the problem remained the same.?

The final speed of the car would be unchanged because the time taken to accelerate does not affect the other variables such as initial speed, acceleration, and distance travelled. The calculation to determine the final speed only depends on these variables, so if they remain constant, the answer will also remain the same.

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After 3 seconds, the car would have accelerated to a speed of 25 m/s. This is calculated by adding the initial speed of 10 m/s to the product of the acceleration rate (5 m/s^2) and the time (3 seconds) elapsed.

If a runner was travelling40 meters in 8 seconds what speed would he be travelling at?

40 metres in 8seconds what would the speed be

A rock dropped on the moon will increase its speed from 0 m s its starting speed to 8.15 m s in about 5 seconds If you were standing on the moon measuring the rock's motion what would you measure?

You would measure the rock's speed increasing from 0 m/s to 8.15 m/s over a time span of about 5 seconds. This would be the observed acceleration due to gravity on the moon acting on the rock.

If it takes 37.6 seconds to drive 1 mile what is the speed in miles per hour?

To convert seconds to hours, divide by 3600. The speed would be 95.745 mph.

If a graph was traveling at a constant second a minute what would the speed be at 5 seconds?

If the graph is traveling at a constant speed of 1 unit per minute, then after 5 seconds it would have traveled 5/60 = 1/12 units. Therefore, the speed at 5 seconds is 1/12 units per second.