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To find the answer in miles per hour, change the 45 minutes to 3/4 hour.

Divide the distance by the time to find the speed.

80 divided by 3/4 = 80 times 4/3 = 320/3 = 106 2/3 mph or about 106.66 mph

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Q: If a car traveled a distance of 80 miles in 45 minutes what was the speed of the car?
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The speed of the boat is 26.67 miles per hour. This is calculated by dividing the distance traveled (20 miles) by the time taken (45 minutes converted to hours, which is 0.75 hours).

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A plane traveling at a speed of 200 mph for 30 minutes would cover a distance of 100 miles.

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To calculate the speed of the vehicle, you would divide the distance traveled by the time taken. In this case, the speed is 0.65 miles per minute.

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The answer would very depending on how long you drive at 60mph. The reason is simply that the mph stands for mile per hour, which means you go a particular speed in a particular amount of time... without knowing the speed And the time the amount of miles traveled or time elapsed going a distance is unkown. However, I'll put a few examples here for various times. 60mph is 1 mile per 1 minute (as there are 60min in an hour), so at this speed, whatever amount of time traveled (in minutes) is equal to the amount of miles traveled (see below). 60mph for 1 minutes: 1 mile traveled 60mph for 5 minutes: 5 miles traveled 60mph for 10 minutes: 10 miles traveled 60mph for 15 minutes: 15 miles traveled 60mph for 30 minutes: 30 miles traveled 60mph for 60min/1hr: 60 miles

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The distance traveled in 30 minutes of driving depends on the speed of the car. If you are traveling at 60 miles per hour, you would cover 30 miles in 30 minutes.

How lond does it take to drive 1600 miles at 60 miles and hour?

Since Speed = Distance Traveled / Time, Time = Distance Traveled / Speed. This means Time = 1600 miles / 60 miles per hour = 26.67 hours.

How much is 5 miles in minutes?

It depends on the speed that it is being traveled.

What is the formula for ground speed?

The distance traveled divided by the time it took in minutes

What distance is traveled by a police car that moves at a constant speed of 1.5 km for 5.0 minutes?

1.5 km is a distance, not a speed.

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Time = Distance/Speed = 4700km/790kph = 5.949 hours or 5 hours 57 minutes approx.The airplane's speed cannot be expressed in miles because miles are a measure of distance, not of speed.However, the speed is 491 miles per hour (approx).

What is the origin of miles per hour?

A unit of distance (miles) traveled in a certain time period (one hour) to calculate speed. Speed=(time/distance).

How do you find the distance you went in miles if you traveled for 43 minutes at a speed of 55 mph?

distance = speed × time Convert the time to a fraction of an hour: 60 min = 1 hour → 43 min = 43/60 hour → distance = 55 mph × 43/60 hr = 39 5/12 miles ≈ 39.42 miles.