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speed=distance/time so speed*time=distance hence 56*(15/60)=14miles

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Q: If a cheetah can run fifty-six miles per hour then how far could a cheetah go in fifteen minutes?
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Can a jaguar try to keep up with a cheetah?

A cheetah is the fastest land animal on earth. The jaguar is fast too, but not as fast. The jaguar could keep up, but only for 1 or 2 minutes.

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Because so he could think about, of he did to Jim, about the rattle snake.

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Yes, a cheetah could certainly eat a goat.

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"Fifteen Minutes could save you Fifteen percent or more by switching to Geico" are the famous words from the little Geco mascot of Geico insurance. They have become one in one.

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It depends on the lending institution. It could be as short as fifteen minutes if direct bank transfer (credit) is being used.

How fast can a cheetah run in miles?

a cheetah could run 70 miles per hour

What are 2 things that could cause the extinction of the cheetah?

cheetah's aren't extinct...... but like poachers and stuff could eventually lead to their extinction.

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Alternator belt $5.50 Labor: $25.00 Knowing you could have done it in fifteen minutes: priceless

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