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2 inches (if pi is approximated to 3.14)

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Q: If a circle has a circumference of 6.28 inches then what is the radius?
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The circumference of a circle is 628 centimeters What is the approximate radius of the circle?

circumference (C) = 2piR = Two x Pi x Radius Pi = 3.14.... R= C/2pi if C = 628 R = 628/ 2 (3.14...) R= 99.949 cm

What is the circumference of a circle with a radius of 100 feet?

200*pi feet, or approximately 628 feet. The formula for the circumference of a circle is C = 2*pi*r.

If the area is 628 what is the radius of a circle?


What is the circumference of a circle with a radius of 100m?

Since the circumference of a circle is found by: C = 2 X Pi X r , where Pi can be rounded to 3.14 C = 2 x 3.14 x 100 C = 628 m The circumference can also be found by using the diameter: C = Pi X d, where d = 2r

What is the radius of a circle if its area is 628 square feet?

Area = p* r2 628 ft2 = pi*r2 divide both sides by pi, which is the coefficient of r2 199.8986 = r2 Take square root each side 14.1 feet = radius =============

What is the height of a cylinder with lateral area of 628 and radius 2.5?

The height of a cylinder with lateral area of 628 and radius 2.5 is approximately 39.98 units.

How many feet are are 628 meters?

2060 feet and 4 inches

What is the radius of a cylinder with a volume of 628cubic cm and a height of 8cm?

39.25 cubic cm (628 DIVIDED BY 8 DIVIDED BY 2

What is 1 percent of 628?

1% of 628 = 1% * 628 = 0.01 * 628 = 6.28

What is the diameter of a circle whose area is 314 cm square?

Using pi as 3.14 it works out that the diameter is 20 cm

Suppose it were possible to string a wire around the earth's equator at a constant 100 feet above the earth How much wire would be needed?

Most people get hung up on the diameter of the earth. The diameter of the earth is actually of no consequence since the question asks for how much longer the wire is as a result of moving it 100 feet away from the surface of the earth. What's critical here is that the radius has increased 100 feet. So the change in radius is 100ft since it moved 100 feet further away from the center of the earth. Base don the simple formula circumference = 2 * pi * radius, the wire 100 feet above the earth is about 628 feet (628 = 3.14 * 2 * 100) longer than the wire on the surface of the earth.

What is 628 as a percentage?

It is: 628*100 = 62800%