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Q: If a circle is circumscribed around a triangle then how many of the triangle's vertices must it pass through?
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What is the name of that radius which passes through the center of gravity?

Centre of area of a triangle is the centre point for a circumscribed radius which will pass through all 3 vertices of the triangle.

What is the center of a circumscribed cirlce of a triangle called?

It is called the circumcenter of the triangle. . The circumcenter is equidistant from the three vertices, and so the common distance is the radius of a circle that passes through the vertices. Another name for it is the circumcircle

Which term describes the point where the perpendicular bisector of the three sides of a triangle intersect?

It is the circumcentre, the unique point from which you can draw a circle (the circumscribed circle) which passes through all three vertices.

Which term best describes the point where the perpendicular bisectors of the three sides of a triangle intersect?

It is the circumcentre, the unique point from which you can draw a circle (the circumscribed circle) which passes through all three vertices.

What are the angle bisectiors of a triangle?

They are lines, through the vertices of a triangle, that bisect (divide into two halves) the angles of the triangle.

What is a characteristic of the circumcenter of a triangle?

equidistant from the vertices

What is a circumcircle of a triangle?

circumcircle of a triangle is the circle that passes through all 3 vertices. this circle is said to be circumscribe the triangle

What is the name of a circle that lies outside of the triangle and passes through all vertices of the triangle?

The triangle that has all three vertices touching the circle is called an 'inscribed triangle.' The circle has no special name, only the polygon inscribed.

What is a circle which passes through all the vertices of a triangle?

The circumscribing circle.

What is the circumcenter of a triangle?

Circumcenter - the center of the circle that circumscribes the triangle, ie. goes through all its vertices.

How do you determine that the triangle is a right triangle through the 3 vertices?

If one of the three interior angles is 90 degrees then it is a right triangle.

Does Perpendicular bisectors of an equilateral triangle pass through the vertices?

Yes, midway.