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2 m per edge.

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Kamiylla Wright

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Q: If a cube has a volume of 8 cubic meters what is the length of each edge?
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If the side of a cube is 1meter and 50 centimeters then find the volume of the cube?

To find the volume of the cube, first convert the side length to meters, which is 1.50 meters. The volume of a cube is calculated by cubing the side length, so V = (1.50)^3 = 3.375 cubic meters. Thus, the volume of the cube is 3.375 cubic meters.

What is the volume of a cube with the side of 8 meters?

A cube with a side length of 8 meters has a volume of 512 cubic meters.

What is the length of the edge of a cube if volume is 1000 cubic meters?

10 meters

Find the exact volume of a cube with sides of 3 meters?

The volume of a cube is the edge length cubed. So, 3m cubed = a volume of 27 cubic meters.

A cube has a volume of 8 cubic meters If each side is doubled in length what will its new volume be in cubic meters?

23 = 8 cubic metres 43 = 64 cubic metres

If the volume of a cube is 500 cubic meters what is the length of one edge?

I believe it is 125 cubic units

What is the volume of a cube with a length of 10 meters?

103 = 1000 (cubic meters).103 = 1000 (cubic meters).103 = 1000 (cubic meters).103 = 1000 (cubic meters).

What represents a unit of volume?

The units for volume are generally the cube of some unit of length - for instance, cubic meters, cubic kilometers, cubic light-years, cubic femtometers, etc.However, there are also units of volume that are not derived from the cube of a length - for example, the gallon, the fluid ounce, or tablespoons.

How do you solve the length of the edge of a cube if its volume is 1000 cubic meters?

To find the length of the edge of a cube with a volume of 1000 cubic meters, you would calculate the cube root of 1000. The formula for the volume of a cube is edge length cubed, so by taking the cube root of 1000, you find that the edge length is 10 meters.

What unit is used to find the volume of a rectangular solid?

Cubic inches or cubic meters. Take any unit of length and cube it and that is a unit for volume

What unit represents volume of a solid?

The units for volume are generally the cube of some unit of length - for instance, cubic meters, cubic kilometers, cubic light-years, cubic femtometers, etc.However, there are also units of volume that are not derived from the cube of a length - for example, the gallon, the fluid ounce, or tablespoons.

How do you get a side length of a cube with volume?

The volume of a cube is a side cubed. V=S3 So, to find the length of a side, solve for S, to find that the side equals the cube root of the volume. Ex: Volume=8 cubic meters Then 8=S3, therefore s=2 meters.