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sera ulo

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Q: If a current in an electric stove is doubled how will the thermal energy produced per unit time change?
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What metal is a good conductor of thermal energy and electric current?

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If current in an electric stove is doubled how will the thermal energy produced per unit time change?

If the current in an electric stove is doubled, the thermal energy produced per unit time will increase by a factor of four. This is because the power dissipated in a resistor is proportional to the square of the current (P = I^2 * R), so doubling the current will result in four times the power output.

What does hot water that is produced by electric power plants and released into rivers and streams cause?

Thermal pollution, you boob

What are the three main effects of an electric current?

The main effects of an electric current are the generation of heat (thermal effect), the production of light (light effect), and the creation of a magnetic field (magnetic effect).

State three factors on which the heat produced by an electric current depends?

The heat produced by an electric current depends on the resistance of the material through which the current is passing, the square of the current flowing through the material, and the duration for which the current flows.

What happen to thermal conductivity of a wall if its thickness is doubled?

It becomes double as K=Q/t×L/A(T2-T1) so if the thickness (L) of an object is doubled the thermal conductivity will be doubled as thermal conductivity is directly proportional to the thickness/L of the object K=L K=2L,K=2 two times

What happens to the thermal conductivity of the wall if its thickness is doubled?

It becomes double as K=Q/t×L/A(T2-T1) so if the thickness (L) of an object is doubled the thermal conductivity will be doubled as thermal conductivity is directly proportional to the thickness/L of the object K=L K=2L,K=2 two times

What are Shiny element which is a good conductor of thermal energy and electric current?

Silver is a shiny element that is a good conductor of both thermal energy and electric current. It has the highest electrical conductivity of any metal, making it highly effective for conducting electricity. Additionally, silver also has a high thermal conductivity, allowing it to efficiently transfer heat.