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10 miles in 48 minutes is equivalents to 10/48 miles per minute =60*10/48 miles per hour = 600/48 mph = 25/2 mph = 12.5 mph

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Q: If a cyclist takes 48 minutes to travel 10 miles What is the average speed in mph?
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W/4 mph

How do you find the average speed of a cyclist?

To find the average speed of a cyclist, divide the total distance traveled by the total time taken to travel that distance. For example, if a cyclist covers 30 miles in 2 hours, the average speed would be 15 miles per hour (30 miles divided by 2 hours).

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Your average speed is 44.3 miles per hour.

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280 miles per hour.

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40 minutes. 24 miles is two thirds of 36. Two thirds of an hour is 40 minutes.

How do you find average speed in cyclist?

To find the average speed of a cyclist, you would divide the total distance traveled by the total time taken to cover that distance. For example, if a cyclist rides 20 miles in 2 hours, the average speed would be 10 miles per hour (20 miles / 2 hours = 10 mph).

How long will it take a cyclist to travel 15 miles if she rides at 10 miles per hour?

1 and a half hours

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23min ÷ 60min/hr = 0.38hrS = d/tS = 10miles / 0.38hrS = 26.32mies/hr

How long does it take to travel 1376 miles if you are traveling at an average speed of 60mph?

1376 minutes.