2012 - 1995: If you were born from Jan 1 to Aug 22, 1995, you are 17 years old now. If you were born from Aug 23 to Dec 31, 1995, you are 16 years old now.
I'm 15 years old and I was born in March 29th 1995. So I may be wright.
16 years old
If you were born in 1995, you would need to be 16 to get your permit. The year would have to be 2011.
Probobly dead
Dakota Chapman is 22 years old (born March 24, 1995).He is the son of Leland Chapman and grandson of Duane "Dog" Chapman.
If you were born in 1995, then in 2011, you're 15 years old until your birthday, and on your birthday in 2011 you turn 16.
2012 - 1995: If you were born from Jan 1 to Aug 22, 1995, you are 17 years old now. If you were born from Aug 23 to Dec 31, 1995, you are 16 years old now.
she was born in 1995
I'm 15 years old and I was born in March 29th 1995. So I may be wright.
35 years old.
16 years old
Jamie Croft was 14 years old in 1995. He was born in 1981.
He was born in 1995
If you were born on January 6, 1995 you were born in the Chinese Year of the Dog (February 10, 1994 - January 30, 1995). The Chinese New Year for 1995 actually fell on January 31, 1995 which was the Year of the Pig.
she is 14 years old she was born on 1995