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Q: If a drinking driver is traveling 70 miles per hour and it takes three seconds for her or his pupils to return to normal after being temporarily blinded by bright headlights the person has driven ov?
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If a drinking driver is traveling 70 miles per hour and it takes three seconds for her or his pupils to return to normal after being temporarily blinded by bright headlights the person has driven over?


If a drinking driver is traveling 70 miles per hour and it takes three seconds for her or his pupils to return to normal after being temporarily blinded by bright headlights, the person has drivenE Over _ yards without being able to see?

50 yards

Who was the German corporal who was temporarily blinded by a British gas attack in Flanders?

In 1918 Adolf Hitler was a German corporal. During the British gas attack in Flanders he was temporarily blinded.

What a sentence for dazzling?

I was temporarily blinded by the dazzling flash of lightning.

What are the release dates for Survivor - 2000 Don't Be Blinded by the Headlights 25-2?

Survivor - 2000 Don't Be Blinded by the Headlights 25-2 was released on: USA: 26 September 2012 Australia: 23 October 2012

What happens when someone shine a flashlight is your eyes?

When someone shines a flashlight in your eyes, the bright light can cause temporary vision impairment like glare, discomfort, and temporary blindness. It can also potentially damage the retina with prolonged exposure, leading to permanent vision loss. It is important to avoid shining bright lights directly into someone's eyes to protect their vision.

Are headlights found inside or outside a car?

Outside - if they were inside, you would be blinded by the light.

Which word in the sentence Temporarily blinded I stumbled and bumped into the piano is a participle?


Where was Adolf Hitler during World War 1?

Hitler fought in WWI and was temporarily blinded by gas.

If you are blinded by headlights while driving at night where do you look?

Down and towards the outer edge of the road. Away from the lights.

If your are blinded by oncoming headlights while driving at night look?

Look at the white line on the right of your lane till they pass.

What happened to Hitler to make him color blind?

He was blinded by gas during WWI and he was temporarily blind but he regained his sight and was permanently color blind.