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Q: If a fish swims 0.09 cm every hundredth of a sec how fast in meters per sec is it swimming?
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If a fish swims 0.09 centimeters every hundredth of a second how fast in meters per second is it swimming?

Since a centimeter is 100th of a meter, it would be traveling at .09 meters per second. 100th of a second, 100th of a meter, the relationship is 1. meters per second.

A swimmer swims 125 meters in 526 seconds How many meters per second is the swimmer swimming?

4.208 Mp/s Do 526/125.

Is swimming are verb or noun?

The word 'swims' is both a noun (swim, swims) and a verb (swim, swims, swimming, swam, swum).Examples:The swims that I take every morning give me a lot of energy for the day. (noun)Jack swims every day in the pool at the health club. (verb)

Who swims in the swimming gala?

People from swimming clubs go to swimming galas

What award are given for swimming?


All about swimming?

Swimming is something when a person swims in a body of water.

What is Jaqueline Wilson's favourite sport?

Swimming, she swims fifty lengths of her local pool every morning before breakfast!

Stacey is training for a triathalon she jogs every third day and swims every fourth day if she is jogging on monday what day of the week will she end up jogging and swimming?


What is the 100 meter freestyle?

It is a swimming event where a swimmer starts from the blocks, and swims for 100 meters how ever they choose. The only rules are that they can not push/pull on the lane line/ pool wall and bottom and they can not interfere with other swimmers.

How a diver swims in the swimming pool?

jump lah!stupid

Definition of the swimming?

-noun1.the act of a person or thing that swims.2.the skill or technique of a person who swims.3.the sport of swimming.-adjective4.pertaining to, characterized by, or capable of swimming.5.used in or for swimming: swimming trunks.6.immersed in or overflowing with water or some other liquid.7.dizzy or giddy: a swimming head.

If you and your friends are playing stuck in the mudd in the swimming pool and the same guy swims under your legs to free you every time you are tagged does that mean he has a crush on you or not?
