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Q: If a handsaw does the same amount of work on a log as a chainsaw does.Then what has greater power why?
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If a handsaw does the same amount of work on a log as a chainsaw does.Then what has greater power?

A chainsaw

If a handsaw does the same amount of work as a chainsaw doeswhich has more power?

The chainsaw has more power because it can complete the work faster due to its high cutting speed and the motorized mechanism that drives it, whereas a handsaw relies solely on manual labor.

What type of percent is when the final amount is greater than the original amount?

A percent which is greater than 100.

When 1.1 or 1.05 one is greater?

1.1 is the greater amount.

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0.75 bis the greater amount.

Does a greater amount of force always result in a greater amount of work?

Not necessarily. Work is the product of force and displacement in the direction of force. If the force is applied but there is no movement or displacement, then no work is done. So, a greater amount of force does not always result in a greater amount of work if there is no displacement.

What is the type of percent when the final amount is greater than the original amount?

Greater than 100 if the original amount is positive. Less than 100 if the original amount s negative.

Why is a greater amount of force needed to accelerate a truck than a jeepney even if they are running with the same velocity?

The truck has a greater mass and therefore a greater amount of inertia to overcome. To accelerate a greater mass requires a greater force.

Is 302 greater than 30 percent?

302 is an amount, but 30% is a portion of an amount, not an amount in itself. Thus, you cannot determine which is greater if you do not know what the 30% is of.

Why file the rakes on a chainsaw chain?

The rakes are what regulate the amount of surface area the individual saw teeth make contact with the wood.

What type of percent when the final amount is greater than the original amount?


What is the percent when the final amount is greater than the original amount?

It is a percentage increase