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Q: If a is less than b and c is less than d then a plus c is less than b plus d?
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A plus b plus c equals d. A is the largest answer b is the smallest answer and d is less than 6?

A plus b plus c equals d. A is the largest answer b is the smallest answer and d is less than 6?''

How do you prove if a is less than b then a plus c is less than b plus c?

I believe that's usually treated as an axiom, meaning you don't prove it.

If a is less than b and b is less than c what is less than c?

You already said the answer that b is less than c

If a is less than b and b is less than c what is greater than c?

a < b < c So, neither a nor b is greater than c.

A is less than b and b is less than c is a greater than c?

NO it is not because if a<b<c it could also be said without the b as a<c.

On horseisle quiz if a is less than b and b is less than c is a greater than c?

Absolutely not

If A is less than B is false and B is less than C false then A is less than C is?

False. A is greater than C. ******************** I'm not in calculus but if A isn't less than B, then that means its either greater than or equal to it. and if B isn't less than C then its greater or equal to. so that means that A is either greater than or equal to C. so that means that A than C.

What is b plus b plus b plus c plus c plus c plus c?

b+b+b+c+c+c+c =3b+4c

B plus b plus b plus c plus c plus c plus c equals?

b + b + b + c + c + c + c = 3b + 4c

What are the 2 inequalities?

A is greater than B (A>B). C is less than D (C<D). But what about "less than or equal"?

If a is 5 less than b b is 2 more than c and c is 3 less than d how much more or less is a than d?


If a is five less than b b is two more than c and c is three less than d how much more or less is a than d?

a is 6 less than d.