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Q: If a man runs for an hour and a half at 8 miles an hour due south and then he continue south on a bus traveling at 55 miles an hour for 24 minutes. How far did he travel?
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If you travel 20 miles in 15 minutes how fast are you traveling?

80 miles per hour.

How long does it take to travel 16.5 miles traveling at 55 miles an hour?

18 minutes

How many miles in 8 minutes?

The number of miles you would travel in 8 minutes would depend on the speed you are traveling. At 60 miles per hour, you would travel 8 miles in 8 minutes.

How many minutes to travel 22.95 miles?

contingent on what speed and vehicle you are traveling in.

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The time it takes to travel 500 miles is dependent on the speed at which you are traveling. For example, if you are traveling at 60 miles per hour, it will take approximately 8.33 hours (or 500 minutes) to cover the distance.

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It would take approximately 16.67 minutes to travel 1000 miles if you are traveling at 1 mile per second. This calculation is based on dividing 1000 miles by 60 seconds (which equals 16.67 minutes).

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24 minutes

A car traveling 60 miles per hour how long will it take to travel 334 miles?

334 minutes.

If you travel 10 miles in 6 minutes in mph how fast are you traveling?

10 miles in 6 minutes = 10*10 miles in 6*10 minutes ie 100 miles in 60 minutes or 100 mph

How many miles per hour am i going if travel 5 miles in 20 minutes?

You are traveling at 15 miles per hour.

How far could you travel in 22 minutes if you were traveling at 65 miles per hour?

22 minutes * (1 hour / 60 minutes) * (65 miles / 1 hour) = 23.833 miles.

How long to travel 19 miles by car while traveling 60 mph.?

19 minutes.