If a number is divisible by 10 (i.e. 100) then it is also divisible by 5.
Ex: 100 by 10, is 10 by 5, is 20
20 by 10 is 2 by 5 is 4
The number of times it is divisible by 5 will always be double the number of times it is divisible by 10, which makes sense because 10 is double 5.
Because such a number is divisible by ten, and five is a factor of ten. Hence, such a number is also divisible by five.
you would add 8-making the number 550.550 divided by 10 is 55
All numbers are divisible by ten but if you are referring to numbers that are divisible by ten and produce a whole number, you are referring to multiples of 10 or any number ending in 0.
555 also 110 is divisible by five and the answer is 22
Because such a number is divisible by ten, and five is a factor of ten. Hence, such a number is also divisible by five.
Not completely sure what that number is. I'm guessing 10,534,341 which is divisible by 3.
you would add 8-making the number 550.550 divided by 10 is 55
what is divisible by two,three,four,five and ten
The smallest number divisible by eight seven and five is 280.
All numbers are divisible by ten but if you are referring to numbers that are divisible by ten and produce a whole number, you are referring to multiples of 10 or any number ending in 0.
555 also 110 is divisible by five and the answer is 22