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30% discount = pay 70% or 0.7 times of original amount

144.00 * 0.7 (70%) = 100.80

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Q: If a pair of shoes cost 144.00 how much would the 30 percent discount take off?
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A 10 percent discount of 140 is a discount of 14 (.10 x 140) Thus after a 10 percent discount, something that costs 140 would now cost 140 - 14 = 126

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Yes, running shoes could be bought a discount stores. Also you could buy them for a relatively low price. Also it would be very durable running shoes.

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If your item is 50 dollars and the discount is 10 percent, you can divide 50 by 10 which would be five dollars off. It the discount is 20 percent, you can take 5 times 2 which would be 10 dollars off. Always begin by figuring out a 10 percent discount and multiply from there.

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A discount of 2.10 pounds for a total of 11.90

Where can I find running shoes discount codes?

There is no such thing as a discount code for running shoes otherwise the company would have long found out about this and closed down. If you really want a discount though, you may look out for coupons which have discounts on them that you can use on the store if possible.

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7.00 discount. So then these pants would cost 28.00.

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10 percent of 64.99 is 6.49, so the new total would be 58.50