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Q: If a particle undergoes Simple harmonic motion with amplitude 18 m what is the total distance it travels in one period?
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Is motion of swing an example of simple harmonic motion?

A body undergoes simple harmonic motion if the acceleration of the particle is proportional to the displacement of the particle from the mean position and the acceleration is always directed towards that mean. Provided the amplitude is small, a swing is an example of simple harmonic motion.

The displcement x is m from the equilibrium position of a particle moving with SHM is given by x equals 0.05sint where t is the time in seconds measured from an instant when x equals o state the ampli?

The amplitude of the Simple Harmonic Motion is 0.05.

The speed time graph of a particle moving along a fixed direction is shown belowobtain the distance traveled by the particle between t equals 0 and t equals 10swhat is the average speed of the partic?

On a speed time graph, the distance can be calculated by working out the area underneath the line. To work out the distance travelled between t=0 and t=10 you would need to find these two values and then work out the area on the graph of the shape bound by the line of the particle, the x axis, t=0 and t=10. The average speed of the particle is the distance (calculated above) divided by 10.

How is distance travel by particle projected vertically upward with initial velocity 25 meter per seconds is 2.5 mt in 3rd second of motion?


Show that probability of finding particle in harmonic oscillator is maximum at extreme?

The particle moves much slower at the extremes than at the middle and therefore it spends more time there. Peeking randomly we can certainly expect to see it at extremes because of that. More rigorously, the derivative of the sine is the cosine. This means that the slope of the sine is +1 or -1 at the axis crossing, 0 at the peak, and between +1 and -1 everywhere in between. If you were to accumulate a distribution curve as a function of time, pigeonholing the results based on some delta y, you would see more observations at the peaks than anywhere else because, as previously stated, the particle moves slower at the peaks.

Related questions

If a particle undergoes SHM with an amplitude of 0.18m what is the total distance it travels in one period?

The total distance traveled by a particle undergoing simple harmonic motion in one period is equal to four times the amplitude of its motion. Therefore, if the amplitude is 0.18m, the total distance traveled in one period would be 4 * 0.18m = 0.72m.

Is motion of swing an example of simple harmonic motion?

A body undergoes simple harmonic motion if the acceleration of the particle is proportional to the displacement of the particle from the mean position and the acceleration is always directed towards that mean. Provided the amplitude is small, a swing is an example of simple harmonic motion.

What is the amplitude of water wave?

the amplitude of a water wave is the maximum distance a water particle moves above or below the surface level of calm water.

The maximum distance that matter moves as the wave passes?

The maximum distance that matter moves as a wave passes is called amplitude. Amplitude is the maximum displacement of a particle from its rest position during the wave's motion. It represents the intensity or strength of the wave.

How are the amplitudes of sound waves?

There is not only "one" amplitude. There is an amplitude of particle displacement ξ, or displacement amplitude, an amplitude of sound pressure p or pressure amplitude, an amplitude of sound particle velocity v, or particle velocity amplitude, an amplitude of pressure gradient Δ p, or pressure gradient amplitude. If the "sound" inceases, the "amplitude" also increases.

Is the distance from one compression to the next compression is the amplitude of a longitudinal dinal wave?

No, the distance between one compression and the next compression in a longitudinal wave is its wavelength, not its amplitude. The amplitude of a wave is the maximum displacement of a particle from its rest position as the wave passes through it.

How do you determine amplitude of wave?

The amplitude of a wave is the maximum displacement of a particle from its equilibrium position. It can be determined by measuring the distance from the equilibrium position to the highest point of the wave or the peak of a wave.

The maximum displacement of a particle with a wave above or below its position is called amplitude?

The statement is incorrect. The maximum displacement of a particle from its equilibrium position in a wave is known as the amplitude of the wave, not the amplitude of the particle itself.

What is the maximum distance a particle of a medium wave is called?

The maximum distance a particle of a medium wave moves from its rest position is called the amplitude of the wave. It represents the maximum displacement of the particles from equilibrium as the wave passes through the medium.

What is transverse and amplitude?

Transverse refers to a wave motion in which particles move perpendicular to the direction of the wave's propagation. Amplitude represents the maximum displacement or distance a particle oscillates from its equilibrium position in a wave.

What is the maximum upwards displacement in transverse wave?

The maximum upwards displacement in a transverse wave is equal to the amplitude of the wave. The amplitude represents the maximum distance that a particle in the medium is displaced from its equilibrium position when the wave passes through.

What measures the amount of displacement in a longitudinal?

the amplitude. It is the displacement at a peak.