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Q: If a person is sentenced to do 5 years in prision and they have to do 65 percent of that time how much time will they have to do?
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Tom Joad was sentenced to four years in prison for manslaughter.

If a person is sentenced to 4 years in prison and they have to do85 percent of that time how much time will they have to do?

Three years, four months and four days.

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He was found guilty of a number of criminal charges related to the classified information he released to Julian Assange and Wikileaks.

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James Earl Ray was sentenced to 99 years in prison for the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. However, he died in prison in 1998 after serving 29 years of his sentence.

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well he was sentenced in 1992 to 31 years so he'll be getting out da cell in 2021

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25 years-to-life

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Magwitch was sentenced to 14 years in prison, while Compeyson was sentenced to 7 years. This means Magwitch was sentenced to 7 years more than Compeyson.

How long does a person serving a life sentence actually serve?

This depends from country to country! In some countries, or states, life sentenced actually means life sentenced - so, untill they die. However, when a person in the Netherlands (just an example) gets life sentenced we're normally speaking of 20 years, with a maximum extention to that, of 10 years (making it 30). You will get mental care after that, so it might be considered as life sentenced after all.

What is the most serious charge for graffiti?

You can get a few years in prision, if you cause serious damage for years.

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Esther Abrahams was sentenced 7 years transportation to Australia.

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98 years

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Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 26 years...