A person walks on average 2-3 mph. To make the answer real simple if you are walking at a slow pace of 2 mph you would walk two miles in 60 minutes.
You walked 2.083 miles in 50 minutes.
How much is 227 miles equal to in hours and minutes?
20 miles in 5 hours That is 20 miles in 5 x 60 minutes That is 4 miles in 60 minutes Hence 4/60 or 1/15 miles per minute
6.67 miles pr. hour
4.70 km walked in 50 minutes equates to 3.5 miles per hour.
0.05 miles as the average person walks around 3 miles an hour.
You walked 2.083 miles in 50 minutes.
3.5 kilometers is equal to about 2.11 miles. On average it would take a person 40 minutes to an hour and five minutes.
How much is 227 miles equal to in hours and minutes?
0.8666 miles.
2 Miles
Miles and minutes measure different things and cannot be converted.
If Lawrence walked twelve miles in six hours, he was walking two miles per hour. In 30 minutes he would have walked one mile.
About 1 hour This really depends on how fast you walk. There are people that can run a mile in 4 minutes. I think that the average person walks about 3 - 4 miles an hour. If you walked 1.75 miles per hour then it will take you 1 hour. If you walked at 3.5 miles per hour then it will take you about a half hour. I think an hour for 1.75 miles is rediculous. I say about 35 minutes.
I think it is karen
20 miles in 5 hours That is 20 miles in 5 x 60 minutes That is 4 miles in 60 minutes Hence 4/60 or 1/15 miles per minute
6.67 miles pr. hour