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This problem is an algebra-based problem using applications of oscillations. The rod is a length L with the axis of rotation in the center.

I found the answer to be that T = PIE x Sq root of (2L(m1 + m2) / (m1 - m2)g)

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Q: If a physical pendulum consists of light rod length suspended in the middle A large mass is attached to one end of the rod and a lighter mass is attached to other end what is T of oscill of pendulum?
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What factors affect the period of a pendulum?

In a simple pendulum, with its entire mass concentrated at the end of a string, the period depends on the distance of the mass from the pivot point. A physical pendulum's period is affected by the distance of the centre-of-gravity of the pendulum arm to the pivot point, its mass and its moment of inertia about the pivot point. In real life the pendulum period can also be affected by air resistance, temperature changes etc.

Which of these pendulums would have the greatest length measured in meters a pendulum with a period of 2 seconds or a pendulum with a period of 1.5 seconds?

It doesn't matter what unit you use to measure the physical length of the pendulum. As a matter of fact, it doesn't matter what unit you use to measure the duration of its period either. If both are at rest on the same planet, then the penduum with the longer string has the longer period. Period!

What is the wellness triangle what does it consists of how and why can it change?

the wellness triangle is a diagram of a well balanced life style that consists of physical mental and social. We should always have a ballance with these aspects , the tirangle should not be lopsided.

What is a physical need?

A physical need includes food, water, clothing, and shelter. Physical needs are those needs that are met through physical objects.

What is your reaction on the statement geometry exposes physical world?

Geometry does not expose the physical world, but it does tell us something about how the physical world works. Geometry is relevant to the physical world.

Related questions

What is a bifilar pendulum?

A bifilar pendulum is a type of experimental setup used to measure the moment of inertia or gravitational acceleration. It consists of a rod suspended by two strings or wires, which allows for a more precise determination of the period of oscillation compared to a regular pendulum. By measuring the period of oscillation and knowing the length of the strings and the mass of the rod, one can calculate the desired physical quantity.

What is the difference between torsional physical and simple pendulum?

A torsional pendulum involves a rotational motion where a mass is attached to a rod or wire and undergoes oscillations due to twisting forces, like a spring. A simple pendulum involves a mass attached to a string or rod that swings back and forth in a gravitational field. The main difference is in the type of motion - rotational for torsional pendulum and linear for simple pendulum.

Differences between compound pendulum and simple pendulum?

Compound pendulum is a physical pendulum whereas a simple pendulum is ideal pendulum. The difference is that in simple pendulum centre of mass and centre of oscillation are at the same distance.

What are the physical parameters in the investigation of a simple pendulum?

The physical parameters in the investigation of a simple pendulum include its length, mass of the bob, angle of displacement, gravitational acceleration, and the period of oscillation. By experimenting with these parameters, one can analyze the motion and behavior of the pendulum.

What are the physical parameters that might influence the period of a simple pendulum?

The physical parameters that might influence the period of a simple pendulum are the length of the pendulum, the acceleration due to gravity, and the mass of the pendulum bob. A longer pendulum will have a longer period, while a higher acceleration due to gravity or a heavier pendulum bob will result in a shorter period.

Why a compound pendulum is called equivalent simple pendulum?

Compound pendulum is a physical pendulum whereas a simple pendulum is ideal pendulum. The difference is that in simple pendulum centre of mass and centre of oscillation are at the same distance.

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Yes, smoke occupies space because it consists of tiny particles suspended in the air. These particles take up physical space within a confined area, displacing the air molecules around them.

What is Purpose of simple pendulum experiment?

The purpose of a simple pendulum experiment is to investigate the relationship between the length of the pendulum and its period of oscillation. This helps demonstrate the principles of periodic motion, such as how the period of a pendulum is affected by its length and gravitational acceleration. It also allows for the measurement and calculation of physical quantities like the period and frequency of oscillation.

What factors affect the period of a pendulum?

In a simple pendulum, with its entire mass concentrated at the end of a string, the period depends on the distance of the mass from the pivot point. A physical pendulum's period is affected by the distance of the centre-of-gravity of the pendulum arm to the pivot point, its mass and its moment of inertia about the pivot point. In real life the pendulum period can also be affected by air resistance, temperature changes etc.

Why the acceleration of free fall by means of the simple pendulum methods?

The acceleration of free fall can be calculated using a simple pendulum by measuring the period of the pendulum's swing. By knowing the length of the pendulum and the time it takes to complete one full swing, the acceleration due to gravity can be calculated using the formula for the period of a pendulum. This method allows for a precise determination of the acceleration of free fall in a controlled environment.

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What is the abstract for a pendulum?

An abstract for a pendulum may summarize its key characteristics, such as its mass, length, and period of oscillation. It could also mention its applications in physics, such as timekeeping devices or simple harmonic motion demonstrations.