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A+c= 2a+b

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Q: If a plus b equals c what does a plus c equal?
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If a equals b and b equals c then what does c plus b equals?

2a. (a, b and c are all equal.)

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the answer is a

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Because there is no way to define the divisors, the equations cannot be evaluated.

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z remains undefined.

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2s-2b= a+b+c-2b simplified that would be a+c-b.

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a= (+a) or a= (-) b= 2a b= 2a c= (-a) c= (+a)

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Just subtract y from both sides. 'm' becomes 'A', 'b' becomes 'C' and 'B' will be equal to one.

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When b is zero.

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to solve ab=c+a for a:Divide both sides by b, so:a= (c+a)/b

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Would you Prove If a equals b and c d then a plus c b plus d?

If a=b and c=d then (a+c)=(b+d) ? This is proved very simply by the direct application of perhaps the most fundamental statement in all of Algebra: "If equals are added to equals, the sums are equal."