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Q: If a room is 9 feet by 12 feet how many square yards is that?
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How many square yards are there in a room 9 feet by 9 feet?

nine square yards.

How many sqare feet in a room room that is 24 sqare yards?

1 square yard = 9 square feet 2 square yards = 18 square feet 3 square yards = 27 square feet . . . 24 square yards = 216 square feet

How many square yards are in a room measuring 16 feet by 16 feet?

28.4 square yards.

How many yards in a room 18 feet by 18 feet?

There are 36 square yards in a room 18 feet by 18 feet

How many square yards in a room that is 169 square feet?

Total square yards: 18.78

How many square feet of carpet do you need to cover 24 feet by 60 feet room how many square yards?

1,440 square feet or 160 square yards.

If a room is 18 feet long by 18 feet wide how many square square yards?

36 square yards.

A room is 5 feet long and 9 feet wide How many square yards?

5 square yards.

How many square yards in a room measuring 16 feet x 21 feet?

37.3 square yards.

If a room has 144 sq feet how many sq yards?

144 square feet = 16 square yards.

How many square yards in a room that is 20 feet by 11 feet?

24.444 (recurring) square yards.

How many square yards in a 9x12 room?

If the room is 9 yards wide by 12 yards long, then 108 square yards.