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It is a 2-dimensional (plane) figure that is closed and which is bounded by straight lines.

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Q: If a shape is a polygon it means?
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What shape is an equilateral polygon?

Equilateral means "equal length". Polygon means "many sided shape". So an equilateral polygon is any many-sided shape where the sides are all equal in length, such as a rhombus

How does the meaning of poly relate to polygon?

Poly means many and polygon means shape of many sides

How does the meaning poly relate to the meaning polygon?

Poly means many and polygon means shape of many sides

What does the word polygon mean?

It means a shape of many sides.

Why is a heptagon a polygon?

Because an heptagon is a 7 sided shape and the word polygon means many sides.

What is the name for a polygon?

A polygon is not a specified shape, the word polygon actually means many sides; so a triangle and a decagon are both polygons.

What does 2D shape mean?

It means two dimensional such as the shape of a polygon or a rectangle that has dimensions of length and width.

What is a six-sided polygon means?

A six sided polygon means a two demensional shape with six sides. For example a hexagon has 6 sides and a hexagon is a two demensional polygon. CHAPTERDUCK

What is irregular?

Irregular means Not regular. FOR EXAMPLE: A regular polygon is a shape with all equal sides, but an irregular polygon is not equilateral.

Why is a polygon not a polyhedron?

Because polyhedron means 'many faces' - a polygon is a two-dimensional shape - it only has one face.

What is the definition of non-polygon?

A non polygon is a shape that doesn't meet the requierments to be a polygon. In order to be a polygon, a shape must have no curved lines and must be a closed shape.

Which shape is a polygon?

A polygon is any closed shape with five sides