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D. 36 m/s

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Q: If a stone falls past a bird on a ledge moving at 4 m/s, how fast will the stone be moving?
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If a stone falls past a bird on a ledge moving at 4 meters per second how fast will the stone be moving just before it hits the ground below 9 seconds later?


If a stone falls past a bird on a ledge moving at 4ms how fast will the stone be moving just before it hits the ground below 9 seconds later?

A 92.2 m/s V = (4 m/s) + (9.8 m/s²) (9 s) V = 92.2 m/s

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How would you use upon in a sentence?

The bird sat upon the ledge.

A boy will target a bird on a seven meter tree with a stone The bird will likely receive greater PE from the stone because?

I think what is being suggested here is that the kinetic energy of the stone will have reduced considerably by the time it reaches the bird 7 meters up, but the potential energy will have increased correspondingly. Suppose the stone just reaches 7 meters, its kinetic energy will have all been turned into potential energy, but the bird will only obtain that PE if the stone sticks to it, otherwise the stone just falls back to earth and regains its kinetic energy before impact.

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Stone & Life = EggEgg = Air = BirdFire & Stone = MetalMetal & Human = ToolsTools & Metal = WeaponsWeapons & Human = HunterHunter & Bird = Meat, Feather and Blood

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Green stone is a plant that is green looks Ike a stone and it can flaps like a bird.

Is the bird flew over the barn and he hopped onto the ledge a complex sentence?

Yes it is because a complex sentence is a sentence that is long not short

How do you make egg in doodle god 2?

add stone and life together and you get a Egg! i know crazy right like the rock monster or something....

How does falcon bird survive?

it falls out of the sky and everyone jizzes

When a bird lets go of a branch and drops to the ground below why doesnt the moving Earth sweep away from the dropping bird?

The bird and the Earth are both moving together as part of the Earth's rotation. The atmosphere also moves with the Earth, so there is no relative movement between the bird and the ground when the bird lets go of the branch.

How do you get airplane on alchemy?

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