

Best Answer

most common answer; 0.


The '0' value is correct - a constant speed or velocity (not synonyms) is one of no acceleration or deceleration - but it's not the "most common" answer, it is THE answer! :-)

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Q: If a test cars constant velocity is 90 km hr west what is the acceleration?
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How do you measure or calculate deceleration during a collision?

In a controlled test condition (like crash tests on cars) an accelerometer is used to measure the rate of deceleration. It should be possible to estimate the deceleration following a collision if the speed of the vehicles at the moment of the collision is known. We could do this by measuring the amount the car was crushed/dented during the collision. We know the vehicle decelerated from its starting speed over this distance so we can estimate the average deceleration. I believe there are more sophisticated techniques used by accident investigators. As an aside, in strict physics terminology, slowing down (as well as any other change in velocity) is acceleration, not deceleration however deceleration is often used to imply a reduction in speed in every day English. If you want to get into this further have a look at "Are speed and velocity the same?" and remember that acceleration is also a vector.

When z test is used?

The term Z-test is often used to refer specifically to the one-sample location test comparing the mean of a set of measurements to a given constant.

Is IQ constant?

Yes, unless you develop a mental illness. However, your IQ test score can vary as it is imperfect.

Does a controlled experiment have all variables held constant?

all but 1...the 1 yu want tu test.

What is the difference between a variable and a non variable?

A variable changes. It varies. A non variable does not change. It is constant. For example if I write a mathematical expression such as x + 1, then x is a variable. Its value can be whatever value we choose. However 1 is a non variable. Its value is 1 and never changes from 1. In a scientific experiment a variable would be something that you changed from one test to another. A non variable would be something that remained constant from test to test. As a final example: the speed at which light travels in a vaccum is a constant. It is referred to by the letter c which stands for the universal constant. However, the speed at which your car travels is a variable. It changes.

Related questions

For comparison what is the magnitude of the acceleration a test tube would experience if dropped from a height of 1.0 m and stopped in a 1.0-ms-long encounter with a hard floor?

The acceleration experienced by the test tube would be approximately 980 m/s^2, which is equivalent to the acceleration due to gravity acting on the object when it falls freely. This acceleration would occur over the short 1.0-ms interval during the impact with the hard floor.

In a test run a certain car accelerates uniformly from zero to 24 meters per second in 2.95s what is the magnitude of the cars acceleration?

The car's uniform acceleration is (change in speed) divided by (change in time) = (24 m/s) / (2.95 s) = 8.1356 meters/sec2. Call this number ' A ' for acceleration. Change in speed = ( A ) times (time) Time = (change in speed) / A = (20 - 10) / A = 10/A = 0.81356 seconds (rounded)

Who invented the nerve conduction velocity test?


What does shuttle run do for you?

The shuttle run is a type of fitness test that measures agility and anaerobic endurance. It helps improve cardiovascular fitness, agility, and speed by involving quick changes in direction and bursts of acceleration. Incorporating shuttle runs into your training routine can also enhance coordination and muscular endurance.

What tune does cars honk on?


Where do you go to test prototype cars?

For sports cars some major manufacturers take their cars to the Nurburgring in Germany

What cars don't need emission test?

cars over 20 years old

Full form of CPS?

Constant Pressure Test

When can you say that the force is balanced?

Whenever the velocity of the test object is unchanged.

How do you find accelaration using speed?

acceleration is the change in speed. Its unit is in [m/s^2 or m/s/s]. If at time t1, the speed is s1, and s2 at time t2, then acceleration = (s2-s1)/(t2-t1). That said, be aware of direction change too. The formula before only works when the direction is constant, and you can speak of speed, instead of velocity. You can have acceleration even when the speed is constant. That happens when an object travels in a circle, for example. The acceleration is perpendicular to the velocity at each instance in time. Then acceleration, as a vector, is equal to dv/dt, where v is a vector which is time-varying (speed, on the other hand, is a scalar).

Examples of constant variables in flame test?

The temperature of the flame.

An unbalanced force of 30 N gives an object an acceleration of 5. What force would be needed to give it an acceleration of 1?

To calculate the force needed for a different acceleration, you can use Newton's second law, which states that force equals mass times acceleration (F = ma). If the object's mass remains constant, the force needed to give it an acceleration of 1 m/s^2 would be 5 N (F = 1 kg * 1 m/s^2).