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Let's say the tree started right now at three feet (year 2009). It has 13 feet to grow before it reaches 16 feet. Let us do this year by year. Note: the height of the tree is measured at the start of each year.

2009 = 3.0 feet

2010 = 4.5 feet

2011 = 6.0 feet

2012 = 7.5 feet

2013 = 9.0 feet

2014 = 10.5 feet

2015 = 12.0 feet

2016 = 13.5 feet

2017 = 15.0 feet

2018 = 16.5 feet

As you can see, the tree will reach 16 feet of height during the year of 2017 (it won't reach 16.5 feet until the start of 2018, and is less than 16 feet at the start of 2017, so we know that in between it must reach 16 feet).

This can be done using an equation:

t = [H(f) - H(p)] / g (where t equals time, H(f) equals future height, H(p) equals present height, and g equals growth)

t= (16 - 3) / 1.5

t= 13/1.5

t = 8 2/3

Add the time to the current year to get the final year!

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Q: If a tree was 3 feet tall and it grows 1.5 feet a year what year is it at 16 feet?
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