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Q: If a variable X is directly proportional to variable Y what does it means?
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What does it mean to say that two varies are directly proportional?

When two variables are directly proportional, it means that as one variable increases, the other variable also increases at a constant rate. In mathematical terms, this relationship can be expressed as y = kx, where y is one variable, x is the other variable, and k is a constant value.

Terms of direct square proportionality in physics?

In physics, direct square proportionality refers to relationships where one variable is directly proportional to the square of another variable. For example, in Newton's law of universal gravitation, the force between two objects is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Y is directly proportional to x?

If a variable (such as y) is directly proportional to another variable (such as x), they both increase and decrease simultaneously. An equation for two directly proportional variables is:y = axIt's sort of like a linear equation, but it always goes through the origin.An example is y = 6x. Notice that it forms a straight line and crosses the origin, and that y and x increase in the same direction.

What is the difference between directly propotional and inversely proportional?

In directly proportional the two variable vary in the same "direction". So, if one increases, the other increases.In inversely proportional, the two variable vary in opposite "directions". So, if one increases, the other decreases.

What is a nonlinear relationship?

In mathematics, when the dependent variable is not proportional to the independent variable. The function does not vary directly with the input. Example: y=sin (x).

What is Non linear relationship?

In mathematics, when the dependent variable is not proportional to the independent variable. The function does not vary directly with the input. Example: y=sin (x).

What is a non linear relationship?

In mathematics, when the dependent variable is not proportional to the independent variable. The function does not vary directly with the input. Example: y=sin (x).

How can you tell if one variable is directly proportional to another variable?

Two variables are directly proportional to each other if they increase or decrease together at a constant rate. In other words, if you plot the relationship between the two variables on a graph and the points lie on a straight line passing through the origin, then they are directly proportional. Mathematically, this can be expressed as y = kx, where k is a constant.

What does it mean when you say the x- variable and y-variable are inversely proportional?

X = YY = X=======these are directly proportionalX = 1/YY = 1/X========these are inversely proportionalTry a few inserted numbers and graph these to see, visually, the difference.

What is the definition for inverse proportional?

A variable, Y, is inversely proportional to another variable, X if XY = k for some positive constant k. An equivalent formulation is Y = k/X. What this means is that if you double X, then Y is halved. If you treble X then Y is reduced to a third etc.

What is the symbols of inversely proportional and directly proportional?

The greek letter "alpha" (α) for both. If x is directly proportional to y, you could say x α y. For inversely proportional, you would say something like x α 1/y, or x α y^-1, as in, directly proportional to the inverse.

How do you tell if a math table is inversely proportional or directly proportional?

Generally, if y increases as x increases, this is a hint that the quantity is directly proportional, and if y decreases as x increases, the relation might be inversely proportional. However, this is not always the case. x and y are directly proportional if y = kx, where k is a constant. x and y are inversely proportional if y = k/x, k is constant. This is the best way to tell whether the quantities are directly or inversely proportional.