

Best Answer

the answer is "0" she sold no pies on the first day and i figured that out in two minutes.

the answer is 0

Yes, but why?

Day 1 = X

Day 2 = X +4

Day 3 = X +8

Day 4 = X +12

Day 5 = X +16

Day 6 = X +20

60 = 6X + 60

60-60 = 6X

0 = 6X

0 = X

Day 1 = 0

Day 2 = 4

Day 3 = 8

Day 4 = 12

Day 5 = 16

Day 6 = 20

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Q: If a woman sold 60 pies in 6 days each day sold 4 more pies than previous day-how many were sold on the first day?
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