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Squares are just complex rectangles, as the definition of a rectangle is that it has four right angles with opposite sides being parallel.

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Q: If all rectangles are parallelograms are all squares parallelograms?
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Are all squares parallelograms or squares?

False! Squares are parallelograms. Parallelograms can be squares or rectangles or neither.

Can a parallelogram be a rectangle and a square?

the three special quadrilaterals that can be a parallelogram are a rectangle, a square, and a rhombus Actually, this is incorrect. All squares are rectangles. All rectangles are parallelograms. Therefore all squares are parallelograms. But not all parallelograms are rectangles. And not all rectangles are squares.

Are all parallelograms squares true or false?

False! Squares are parallelograms. Parallelograms can be squares or rectangles or neither.

Some parallelograms are squares?

By definition, all squares are parallelograms. Not all parallelograms, however, are squares. All rectangles and rhombuses are also parallelograms.

Why are all squares rhombuses?

Are all rectangles parallelograms

Can you call a 4 sided shape a parallellogram?

Only if 2 sides are parallel with each other, and the other two sides are also parallel with each other. All squares are rectangles. All rectangles are parallelograms. All parallelograms are 4 sided. But not all 4-sided are parallelograms, not all parallelograms are rectangles, and not all rectangles are squares.

Are all rectangles are parallelograms?

Yes they are. So are all squares and rhombuseses.

Are all rhombuses also rectangles?

No. Rhombuses that are also rectangles are called squares. Rhombuses are parallelograms with 4 equal sides, while rectangles are parallelograms where all the angles are right.

Is quadrilateral a parallelogram?

Not necessarily. All parallelograms are quadrilaterals but not all quadrilaterals are parallelograms. Parallelograms are more specific instances of quadrilaterals. Its like saying all squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares.

What are rectangles squares and parallelograms called?

They are all called 4 sided quadrilaterals

What is the shape of a lateral face of a prism?

The lateral faces of a prism are either squares, rectangles or parallelograms. If the prism is oblique then the faces must be parallelograms and not rectangles or squares.

Are some parallelograms rectangles?

In fact, some are rectangles, but not all are.