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Circumference = 106 x 360/225 = 169.6 ft = 2 x pi x radius so radius = 84.8/pi = 27 feet as near as makes no difference

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Q: If an arc length of 106 ft is traced by a rotation of 225 deg what is the radius of the circle?
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What name is given to the line traced by a pair of compasses to form circle?

radius Additional answer Actually, the radius is the line that joins the centre to the circumference. The line that compasses draw to trace a circle is just that, a circle.

Why a circle is divided in 360 degree?

The selection of 360 as the number of degrees (i.e., smallest practical sub-arcs) in a circle was probably based on the fact that 360 is approximately the number of days in a year. Its use is often said to originate from the methods of the ancient Babylonians. Ancient astronomers noticed that the stars in the sky, which circle the celestial pole every day, seem to advance in that circle by approximately one-360th of a circle, i.e., one degree, each day. (Ancient calendars, such as the Persian Calendar, used 360 days for a year.) Its application to measuring angles in geometry can possibly be traced to Thales who popularized geometry among the Greeks and lived in Anatolia (modern western Turkey) among people who had dealings with Egypt and Babylon. Another motivation for choosing the number 360 is that it is readily divisible: 360 has 24 divisors (including 1 and 360), including every number from 1 to 10 except 7. For the number of degrees in a circle to be divisible by every number from 1 to 10, there would need to be 2520 degrees in a circle, which is a much less convenient number.

History of mathematics?

The history of mathematics can be traced to the beginning of time when man started counting the days and nights.

Explain the basic principle of magnetic particle testing?

By changing the permiability of ferromagnetic meterials, surface and near surface discontinuities are traced, is the principle of magnetic particle testing. By changing the permiability of ferromagnetic meterials, surface and near surface discontinuities are traced, is the principle of magnetic particle testing.

Did the Arabs invent Algebra?

No. The origins of algebra can be traced back to ancient Babylonia mathematicians roughly four thousand years ago.

Related questions

What name is given to the line traced by a pair of compasses to form circle?

radius Additional answer Actually, the radius is the line that joins the centre to the circumference. The line that compasses draw to trace a circle is just that, a circle.

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So long as the handset is switched on - any handset can be traced to within a 3 metre radius of its location !

What name is given to the line traced by a pair of compasses to form a circle?

The circumference.

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To find the time t, you can use the formula: s = rθ, where s is the arc length (24.0 cm), r is the radius (6.00 cm), and θ is the angle in radians. Solving for θ gives θ = s/r = 24.0 cm / 6.00 cm ≈ 4 radians. The full circle is 2π radians, so the time t for 4 radians is (4/2π) times the period of the second hand, which is 1 minute. Therefore, t ≈ (4/2π) * 60 seconds ≈ 38.2 seconds.

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