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Q: If angles are named by letters designating three points on the angle how many letters will the names of two vertical angles share?
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Can angles be names with two letters?

No, angles must be named using three points. Using two points will only name a line.

Is there a right angle on the letter R?

Yes. The curved part straightens out before it meets the vertical line of the R and at the points of intersection, forms right angles.

Do adjacent angles have common interior points?

Yes, adjacent angles do have common interior points.

Is aspect ratio of a monitor generally defined as the ratio of either vertical to horizontal points or horizontal to vertical points depending on the convention followed?

Aspect ratio of a monitor is generally defined as the ratio of the 1) vertical to horizontal points 2) horizontal to vertical points 3) either 1) or 2) depending on the conventionfollowed

How will you draw two angles in three common points?

if i put three points on the common arm ,then they are common points for both the two angles

What is the definition of a vertical line?

A line on the coordinate plane where all points on the line have the same x-coordinate. A line that goes straight up and down. A vertical line has no slope. a line that you can't possible be found going horizontal

What points make a vertical line on a graph?

any points along the line described by the equation x=anything will give you a vertical line on a graph

Can 2 angles have 3 points in common?

Yes, 2 angles can have 3 points in common. Two angles of the same number of degrees can be superimposed on each other and would share all points. Or, you could choose 3 points on one line segment, while having two other line segments which do not share points, and which delineate different angles.

What is used to locate a point on the coodinate plane?

The horizontal x axis and the vertical y axis which intersect at right angles at the point of origin (0, 0) are use to plot points on the coordinated plane.

What do all points plotted on the vertical axis of a graph have in common?

x = 0When the points are expressed in an ordered pair: (0,5), if they are on the vertical axis, x = 0

Two angles with a common side but no common interior points are?

adjecent angles

Two angles with a common side but no common interior points?

adjacent angles