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its likely but might not the chances of the shild not having a widows peak are 1/16 you can better know these odds if you know the parents genotype or genetic makeup.

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Q: If both of a child's parents have a widow's peak will that child genetically inherit the widow's peak?
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Bible verses on providing for widows and orphans?

1 Timothy 5:3, 4 - Honor widows who are really widows. But if any widow has children or grandchildren, let them first learn to show piety at home and to repay their parents; for this is good and acceptable before God.James 1:27 - Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.[NKJV]("Visit" in this verse doesn't mean, "Go see;" it means "to look upon in order to help or benefit;" in other words, to be mindful of them in order to give aid and comfort.)

How many times are widows mentioned in the Bible?

In the King James versionthe word - widow - appears 50 timesthe word - widow's - appears 5 timesthe word - widowhood - appears 4 timesthe word - widows - appears 23 timesthe word - widows' - appears 3 times-- another answer--In the King James version of the Bible the word "widow" appears a total of 55 times. the first being in Genesis Chapter 38 and the 55th Revelations 18:7.

How many times does the word widow appear in the Bible?

In the King James version the word - widow - appears 50 times the word - widow's - appears 5 times the word - widowhood - appears 4 times the word - widows - appears 23 times the word - widows' - appears 3 times

How many scriptures in the Bible about strangers widows and orphans?

In the King James version the word - stranger - appears 129 times the word - stranger's - appears twice the word - strangers - appears 79 times the word - strangers' - appears once the word - widow - appears 50 times the word - widow's - appears 5 times the word - widowhood - appears 4 times the word - widows - appears 23 times the word - widows' - appears 3 times the word - orphans - appears once

What miracles did Elijah perform?

Multiplying the oil and flour, healing of Nahman, raising the the widows son, defeating Baal, , being fed by ravens.

Related questions

If both of your parents have a trait are you guaranteed to also inherit that trait?

No it is most likely but it is not guaranteed. Both of my parents don't have widows peaks yet i have a widows peak.

If both of your parents don't have widows peaks is it possible for you to have a widows peak?

Yes, it is possible to inherit a widow's peak even if neither of your parents have one. Genetic traits can skip generations or be the result of a combination of different genes. So, it is within the realm of possibility for you to have a widow's peak even if your parents don't.

Who are single parents in the Bible?

No mention of single parents in the Bible that I can remember, but widows are quite often mentioned.

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What is Saint Jane of Valois a patron saint of?

People who have lost parents and widows

Is a widows peak a trait controlled by many genes?

No, a widow's peak is typically controlled by a single gene with two possible versions (alleles). If a person inherits one copy of the widow's peak allele, they will likely have a widow's peak. If they inherit two non-widow's peak alleles, they are less likely to have a widow's peak.

Is a widows peak dominant or recessive?

A widow's peak is a dominant trait. This means that if one parent has a widow's peak, there is a higher likelihood that their offspring will also inherit this trait. If both parents have a widow's peak, the offspring will most likely have one as well.

Are widows peaks good or bad?

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" it depends on personal preference. Its just a genetic trait, dependent upon your parents.

When was How to Console Widows created?

How to Console Widows was created in 1976.

What is Scottish Widows's population?

Scottish Widows's population is 3,500.

When was The Two Widows created?

The Two Widows was created in 1874.

When was Scottish Widows created?

Scottish Widows was created in 1815.