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Q: If both sides of an inequality are multiplied of divided by the same positive number the direction of the inequality symbol is?
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When do you change the direction of an inequality symbol?

When a side is multiplied or divided by a negative number.

When solving an inequality when is it necessary to change the direction of the inequality symbol?

When the two sides of the inequality are multiplied or divided by a negative number or term or expression.

What sign is the answer to a minus divided by a minus?

a negative divided or multiplied by a negative is a positive a negative and a positive multiplied or divided by each other is a negative a negative divided or multiplied by a negative is a positive a negative and a positive multiplied or divided by each other is a negative

When a quantity is added to or subtracted from both sides of an inequality the resulting inequality will have the same direction as the original one?

When a quantity is subtracted or added from both sides of an inequality, the true difference in value is varied thereby changing the direction of the inequality, but when rather than subtracted or added it is multiplied or divided, it preserves the true difference in value thereby facing the same direction as the initial inequality.

When should an inequality sign be reversed?

When one side of the inequality is divided or multiplied by a negative number.

What happens when both sides of a less than inequality are multiplied or divided by a negative number?

The inequality sign becomes greater than (>).

When you multiply both sides of any inequality by a negative number you need to the inequality symbol?

When an Inequality expression is multiplied (or divided) by a negative number then the Inequality sign is reversed. Example : -9x < 18 : -x < 2 : x > both sides have been multiplied by -1.

Positive divided by a negative?

The rules for division are the same as for multiplication. Positive multiplied (or divided) by negative is negative.

What is the answer to 12x divided by -3 multiplied by -4?

U do NT mention if it had a inequality,or value of x. So answer is 16x

Dose a negative multiplied a positive a negative?

When two numbers with different signs are multiplied or divided, the answer is negative.

Negative divided by a poitive?

The answer of a negative number multiplied by (or divided by) a positive number will be a negative number.

What are the rule for dividing negative numbers?

The rules for dividing negative numbers is the same as multiplying them. A negative number multiplied/divided by a negative number is positive and a negative number multiplied/divided by a positive number is negative.