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if coefficient of skewness is zero then distribution is symmetric or zero skewed.

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Q: If coefficient of skewness equals 0 then what would you say about the skewness of the distribution?
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What is skewness how would you find it in a non symmetrical distribution?

Skewness is a measure of the asymmetry in a distribution. In a non-symmetrical distribution, skewness can be calculated using a formula that considers the deviation of each data point from the mean. A positive skewness indicates a longer tail on the right side of the distribution, while a negative skewness indicates a longer tail on the left side.

What is skewness and How would you find it in a non symmetrical distribution?

If a random variable X has mean value m, and standard deviation s, then Skewness = E{[(x - m)/s]3} which can be simplified to skewness = [E(X3) - 3ms2 - m3]/s3 and for discrete X, E(X3) = sum of x3*Prob(X = x) where the summation is over all possible values of x. While for continuous X, E(X3) = integral of x3*f(x) where the integral is over the domain of X.

Would you consider two data sets similar or different if they have the same mean median and range but one is positively skewed and other negatively skewed?

If the skewness is different, then the data sets are different.Incidentally, there is one [largely obsolete] definition of skewness which is in terms of the mean and median. Under that definition, it would be impossible for two data sets to have equal means and equal medians but opposite skewness.

What is the coefficient of the term -5a4?

-5a4 The coefficient would be -5. The variable is a and the power is 4.

What is the slope for the equation y equals -2x plus 5?

The slope would be -2 (moving 2 units down and one across). When you have a linear equation, the slope is always the variable's coefficient.

Related questions

What is skewness how would you find it in a non symmetrical distribution?

Skewness is a measure of the asymmetry in a distribution. In a non-symmetrical distribution, skewness can be calculated using a formula that considers the deviation of each data point from the mean. A positive skewness indicates a longer tail on the right side of the distribution, while a negative skewness indicates a longer tail on the left side.

What is the between skewness and kurtosis?

While skewness is the measure of symmetry, or if one would like to be more precise, the lack of symmetry, kurtosis is a measure of data that is either peaked or flat relative to a normal distribution of a data set. * Skewness: A distribution is symmetric if both the left and right sides are the same relative to the center point. * Kurtosis: A data set that tends to have a distant peak near the mean value, have heavy tails, or decline rapidly is a measure of high kurtosis. Data sets with low Kurtosis would obviously be opposite with a flat mean at the top, and a distribution that is uniform.

What is skewness and How would you find it in a non symmetrical distribution?

If a random variable X has mean value m, and standard deviation s, then Skewness = E{[(x - m)/s]3} which can be simplified to skewness = [E(X3) - 3ms2 - m3]/s3 and for discrete X, E(X3) = sum of x3*Prob(X = x) where the summation is over all possible values of x. While for continuous X, E(X3) = integral of x3*f(x) where the integral is over the domain of X.

How skewness can effect on analysis of a study?

If the mean is greater than mode the distribution is positively skewed.if the mean is less than mode the distribution is negatively skewed.if the mean is greater than median the distribution is positively skewed.if the mean is less than median the distribution is negatively skewed. 18-226

Would you consider two data sets similar or different if they have the same mean median and range but one is positively skewed and other negatively skewed?

If the skewness is different, then the data sets are different.Incidentally, there is one [largely obsolete] definition of skewness which is in terms of the mean and median. Under that definition, it would be impossible for two data sets to have equal means and equal medians but opposite skewness.

If there is a small difference such as 5 600 and 5 602 between mean and median values what does this mean?

If the sample is small or not randomly chosen, it may not have much meaning at all. If the random sample is large, it would generally be inferred that the distribution is symmetrical. The skewness of the data can be calculated.

What is a coefficient in math?

A coefficient is a number before a variable. For example, in 2x, the 2 would be the coefficient

What is the number that precedes a variable called?

It called the coefficient of a variable. As an example 16x. 16 would be the coefficient and x would be the variable or term.

What is the answer to -y equals -12?

In this case you would divide each side by negative one. That makes the coefficient of y, 1. so now you have y=12 which is your final answer.

What is the coefficient in the algebraic expression 6n 3?

The coefficient in an expression is the multiplier of the variable in the equation. Here, the coefficient would be 6.

What is the coefficient of the term -5a4?

-5a4 The coefficient would be -5. The variable is a and the power is 4.

What does positive skewness signify in normal distribution?

A normal distribution is not skewed. Skewness is a measure of how the distribution has been pulled away from the normal.A feature of a distribution is the extent to which it is symmetric.A perfectly normal curve is symmetric - both sides of the distribution would exactly correspond if the figure was folded across its median point.It is said to be skewed if the distribution is lop-sided.The word, skew, comes from derivations associated with avoiding, running away, turning away from the norm.So skewed to the right, or positively skewed, can be thought of as grabbing the positive end of the bell curve and dragging it to the right, or positive, direction to give it a long tail in the positive direction, with most of the data still concentrated on the left.Then skewed to the left, or negatively skewed, can be thought of as grabbing the negative end of the bell curve and dragging it to the left, or negative, direction to give it a long tail in the negative direction, with most of the data still bunched together on the right.Warning: A number of textbooks are not correct in their use of the term 'skew' in relation to skewed distributions, especially when describing 'skewed to the right' or 'skewed to the left'.