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fx=5x1 / 9
i dont know at all
no, because xx=x squared, and x squared is not linear
The degree of a differential equation is the POWER of the derivative of the highest order. Using f' to denote df/fx, f'' to denote d2f/dx2 (I hate this browser!!!), and so on, an equation of the form (f'')^2 + (f')^3 - x^4 = 17 is of second degree.
fx=5x1 / 9
PLUS has two extra New functions.... Random integer New Equation mode
The graph of F(x), shown below, resembles the graph of G(x) = x2, but it has been changed somewhat. Which of the following could be the equation of F(x)?
i dont know at all
One can download Windows FX from Softonic, Softpedia, or CNET. One could also learn more information about Windows FX from its official distributor and creator at the Stardock website.
no, because xx=x squared, and x squared is not linear
A quick search on the internet reveals that FX can stand for a very long list of things. Two examples are that FX, in the music industry, could stand for Effects (special/sound), or in the wider world, stand for Foreign Exchange.
The degree of a differential equation is the POWER of the derivative of the highest order. Using f' to denote df/fx, f'' to denote d2f/dx2 (I hate this browser!!!), and so on, an equation of the form (f'')^2 + (f')^3 - x^4 = 17 is of second degree.
fx = effects = special effects