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The top of the water will freeze first because it is in direct contact with the air, the bottom will always remain ice free because it is thermally protected against the cold under the ice sheet, (so the fish tell me...) this is why fish will lie at the bottom in cold snaps... if the air temperature is cold enough for a considerable length of time it will eventually freeze completely.

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Q: If heat rises the coldest part of water is the bottom how come it freezes top first i dont know email
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Example of positive email?

To write a positive business email you should greet the recipients and state the reason why you are sending the email. Summarize your intentions and offer resolutions without the use of sarcasm or humor. Avoid negative words and emotions in your email.

How many numbers are there in an email verification?


What does add cc remove cc - add Bcc?

I assume you are talking about the areas on email that appear when you are sending one, so I will answer that question with that in mind. CC means "carbon copy". You can send a duplicate of that email to anyone's email address you put in that that section. When the email is opened the address(s) you put there will also show up in the opened email. Example: You send the main message to Aunt Betty, but you also want to send a copy to Cousin Itt. Both parties will see each other's name on the email. BCC means "blind carbon copy". When you put an email address in that section no one will see the person's name in that section when the email is opened. Example: You are planning a surprise party for Aunt Betty and send her an email telling her to come to your house at 6:00PM. In the *BCC* area you put Cousin Itt's name and Itt will get the message that the party is at 6 PM, but Aunt Betty won't know anything about it. It's a "blinded" carbon copy.

How do you type in a roman numeral into an email address?

type it

What is the functionality of the function strstr and stristr in PHP?

With strstr you can find a certain letter, number, or symbol in a string. A basic function could be to figure out if an email address is valid or not.The strstr in $domain is looking for "@" in $email and the strstr in $dot is looking for a "." in $domain. The if means if $domain and $dot equal nothing(it would show up as blank because there is no "@" in $email so the strstr in $domain returns false and that would in turn return the strstr in $dot as false also), do something. then the else is if $domain and $dot equal something besides "" do something else.The stristr function is just a Case-Insensitive version of strstr.

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What type of attack is it when I open an email and my computer freezes?

email virus

Why does moshimonsters keep freezing?

It might be the computer or laptop ure using if it freezes send a email to them

What does signature mean on email?

It means if you put it on it will put ur details at the bottom of the email.

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Email Nintendo

How do you block an address you receive mails from in Yahoo Mail?

Unsubscribe at the bottom left hand of email tool bar or unsubscribe option at bottom of most email messages

What is the email address of ASDA CEO?

for asda's email address go to and click on customer services at the bottom of the page. then click on contact us again at the bottom of the page and then click on email us and hopefully they'll get back to you. hope this can help :) for asda's email address go to and click on customer services at the bottom of the page. then click on contact us again at the bottom of the page and then click on email us and hopefully they'll get back to you. hope this can help :)

How do you email a photo from your picture library on your iPod?

On the bottom corner of you screen is a icon click it and choose email

Why would you put your name at the bottom of the email?

Because whatever email you have to made, always have a greetings and sign your email at the end of the an email,so that person that you send mail at know who you are.

What symbol denotes an email attachment?

Depending on the email program, usually it is a paper clip. Also, it shows at the bottom of the email.

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You email the signed permission to the company. There email address is at the bottom of the permission slip.

How do you email linked files?

You can email linked files by attaching the files to the email using the paperclip symbol at the bottom of the email. In some cases, you will need to compress the linked files before emailing them.

Can strongbad vomit?

yes he can, and he did in an email once. I think it was the email called "bottom 10". check it out, it's pretty good.