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66,795 pennies

Or 67,161 if the year includes 29th February.

Of course, this assumes that I have not spent any pennies during the year. One method of calculating: # If there is an odd number of days, deduct 1, and halve the result.

(365-1=364). By doing this we are temporarily removing the highest number '365' from the list of numbers, 1,2,3,4,5, etc. And you now have a list of all the numbers from 1 to 364.

# Halve the result (half of 364 is 182) # Now think of your list as being pairs of numbers, the lowest numbers being linked with the highest numbers: i.e. 1+364(=365), 2+363(=365), 3+362(=365) etc. # You will have 182 pairs of numbers, each adding to 365, plus you will have one number over, the last 365. So you have 182+1(=183) x 365, which equals 66,795! If there is an even number of numbers, e.g. 366, (i.e. the number of days in a leap year) then the 183 'pairs' will be 1+366(=367), 2+365(=367) etc. 183 x 367 = 67,161!

Or you could just add 366 to 66,795, which was the result for 365 days.

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Q: If i gave you one penny one day two the next day three the next day how much money would you have after one year?
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