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You need to have HALF or OVER HALF of 1 million.

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Q: If i have 1 million shares of stock how many of those do i need to have a majority?
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What is 10 million in billions?

Depending upon where you are:In those countries that use the long scale (based on powers of a million), like Europe:1 billion = (10^6)^2 = 10^6 × 10^6 = 10^6 million = 1,000,000 million = 1 million million → 10 million = 10 million ÷ (10^6 × 1 million) billion = 10^-5 million = 0.00001 billionIn those countries that use the short scale (based on powers of a thousand plus one), like USA:1 billion = (10^3)^(2+1) = 10^9 = 10^3 × 10^6 = 10^3 million = 1,000 million = 1 thousand million → 10 million = 10 million ÷ (10^3 × 1 million) billion = 10^-2 billion = 0.01 billion

What is 6 billion in millions?

Depending upon where you are:In those countries that use the long scale (based on powers of a million), like Europe:1 billion = (10^6)^2 = 10^6 × 10^6 = 10^6 million = 1,000,000 million = 1 million million → 6 billion = 6 × 10^6 × million = 6,000,000 million = 6 million millionIn those countries that use the short scale (based on powers of a thousand plus one), like USA:1 billion = (10^3)^(2+1) = 10^9 = 10^3 × 10^6 = 10^3 million = 1,000 million = 1 thousand million → 6 billion = 6 × 10^3 × million = 6,000 million = 6 thousand million

How many zeroes for Million Billion Trillion?

a million has 6 zeroes, a billion 9, and a trillion 12. one million billion trillion is the sum of those, or 6+9+12 = 27 zeroes

How many millions are in 25 billion?

The answer depends on whether you're using the U.S. or British billion.The U.S. billion is a thousand millions, so 25 billion is 25,000 millions.The British billion is a million millions, so 25 billion is 25,000,000 millions.The answer depends upon where you are:In those countries that use the long scale (based on powers of a million), like Europe:1 billion = 1 million million = 1,000,000 million → 25 billion = 25,000,000 million (25 million million)In those countries that use the short scale (based on powers of a thousand plus one), like USA:1 billion = 1 thousand million = 1,000 million → 25 billion = 25,000 million (25 thousand million).

What is 20 million in billions?

Depending upon where you are:In those countries that use the long scale (based on powers of a million), like Europe:1 billion = (10^6)^2 = 10^6 × 10^6 = 10^6 million = 1,000,000 million = 1 million million → 20 million = 20 million ÷ (10^6 × million) billion = 20 × 10^-6 billion = 0.00002 billionIn those countries that use the short scale (based on powers of a thousand plus one), like USA:1 billion = (10^3)^(2+1) = 10^9 = 10^3 × 10^6 = 10^3 million = 1,000 million = 1 thousand million→ 20 million = 20 million ÷ (10^3 × million) billion = 20 × 10^-3 billion = 0.02 billion

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Is share a stock?

Stock is a share is a stock. No! Yes! A company's stock is divided into multiple shares and you can buy those shares.

How does a stock buy back work?

The board of directors for a company will announce that they have decided to buy back their own shares from the current outstanding shares and then retiring those shares. A Company may do this for several reasons but the main reason is to increase the value of the stock price for the share holders. If a company has 10 million outstanding shares and a current stock price of $5/share (keep in mind the market cap would be $50 million). The company announces that the board has authorized the repurchase of 5 million shares. Then the company will typically buy those shares back throughout the year(or whatever time frame) reducing the outstanding shares to 5 million from the initial 10 million. Let's say that miraculously the company was able to purchase all 5 million shares at $5/share. So they spend $50 million buying back the stock. If I was wealthy shareholder and own 1 million shares of the company then before the buyback I owned 10%(my shares / total outstanding shares....1 milliion/10million) of the company. After the buyback there are now 5 million shares so I own 20% (1 million / 5 million) of the company. If the stock remains at $10/share after the buyback then the the market cap is now 25 million, but if shareholders thought the value of company was worth 50 million before the only thing that has changed after the buyback is the number of outstanding shares. So that means the price should increase to make the market cap go back up. So the idea is when a company buys back stock they increase the value of each share to the shareholder by increasing their ownership in the company. In our case the price of the stock should now be $10/share making the market cap 50 million again ($10/share x 5 million shares = $50 million). So buybacks are an alternative to dividends as a method for a company to return value to the shareholders.

How many shares of stock are outstanding for those companies that are listed on the New York Stock Exchange?


Does Microsoft still own Apple shares?

Microsoft purchased $150 million of non-voting Apple stock as part of a resolution to a long running legal dispute over their use of certain features that resembled those used in the Mac. The stock was later sold back to Apple for a profit.

What does a hold in stock market mean?

A "hold" in financial terms means that the stock trader already has bought shares of a company in the past and is going to "hold on to them" because he/she believes the value of those shares will grow in the future.

What is it when you told the broker you wanted to get those six shares of Mattel stock he sent a message to a person who is working on the?

floor of the New York Stock Exchange

How does a corporation properly account for the repurchase of its own shares from a shareholder?

Those shares are shown as a contra-account in the Equity section of the Balance Sheet called Treasury Stock.

What would 100 shares of Google stock bought at ipo be worth today?

Google has not had any splits or large changes with their stock. The stock opened at 80 dollars give or take a few. If you had 100 shares at 80 dollars that would be an 8 thousand dollar investment. The stock currently trades between 300 and 400. Your investment would be worth 35 thousand give or take 5 thousand today March 2009.

What is to list a company in stock exchange?

A company that is "listed" on a stock exchange is a corporation that has issued shares of stock which are available to be purchased by the public. The "exchange" is a marketplace where the shares can be bought and sold. Those who purchase the shares in a company are potentially able to profit from the growth of the company and any dividends that the company might issue. By selling shares, the company can potentially raise much more capital than they would otherwise be able to borrow.

How do you become stockholder?

You purchase shares in the company. This will only be possible if the shares are for sale. If it is a public company you can buy the shares on the stock exchange where those shares are traded. If it is a privately owned company you would need to buy the shares from one of the owners.

Is treasury stock included in common equity?

Treasury stock is contra to share capital account as it is those shares which company purchase from own capital to reduce the share capital amount.

Why company participate in stock exchange?

Companies participate in stock exchanges to raise money from an IPO or initial public offering. An IPO is when they divide a portion of the company up into shares and then sell those shares to a select group of individuals, mostly brokers, underwriters and people who have had some role in issuing the stock. The purpose of going public with a company is to raise capital to reinvest back into the company in hopes that after the IPO demand for the stock of the company will continue to increase thereby bringing the price of the stock up and increasing the return on investments of those who own the company and those who hold the publicly issued stock.