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If no one receives the message twice, it will have to be passed on through 6 cycles, after which 1 111 111 people will be in the know. In the real world, people are bound to receive it repeatedly, so that more iterations are required. The maths governing this more realistic model will be complex, and the total population size will be a factor.

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Q: If information that starts with one person is passed by each recipient to 10 people how long will it take for one million people to receive it?
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When was The Right to Information Act passed?

The Right to Information Act was passed in June 2005 in India in order to set up a structure whereby citizens can request (and receive) information in a consistent manner and a reasonable amount of time.

When was right to information act passed?

The Right to Information Act was passed in June 2005 in India in order to set up a structure whereby citizens can request (and receive) information in a consistent manner and a reasonable amount of time.

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It is necessary to ensure that information is passed on promptly. This is for the accuracy of the information.

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The tenets of the communication models is to ensure that information has been passed to the right recipient with no distortion. Examples of the communication models includes the sender-receiver model, the linear model, and the interactional model just but to mention a few.

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Right to information Act was passed in the Year is 2005

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Information is first received by a nerve cell at the?

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