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Q: If it is raining and you are tired of driving how many seconds should you use?
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If it is raining and you are tired of driving how many seconds should you follow?

If it is raining and you are tired, you probably should not be driving - you are a hazard to yourself and other drivers when you drive in those conditions. However, if you must drive, keep a solid 10 to 15 seconds of following distance between you and the next car on the road.

It is raining and you are tired while driving how many seconds of following distance should you use?

I usually leave 5 to 6 seconds minimum following distance under those condition, and have had no accidents . . .

If it is raining and you are tired how many seconds of following distance?

If it is raining and you are tired, you probably should not be driving - you are a hazard to yourself and other drivers when you drive in those conditions. However, if you must drive, keep a solid 10 to 15 seconds of following distance between you and the next car on the road.

How many seconds of following distance should you use if it's raining and your tired?


If it's raining and you are tired while driving how many seconds of following distance should you use?

Usually in good conditions you want to have 2-3 seconds of distance between you and the car in front of you, for every hindrance (ie. rain) you add one second of distance. So in your case being both tired and having to deal with rain, i would say have at least 5+ seconds distance. I wouldn't recommend driving while sleepy as your reaction time and judgment decreases while tired, if you think you are getting too tired please pull over and take a quick nap.

How many seconds of following distance should you use if it's raining and you are tired while driving?

Usually in good conditions you want to have 2-3 seconds of distance between you and the car in front of you, for every hindrance (ie. rain) you add one second of distance. So in your case being both tired and having to deal with rain, i would say have at least 5+ seconds distance. I wouldn't recommend driving while sleepy as your reaction time and judgment decreases while tired, if you think you are getting too tired please pull over and take a quick nap.

Where should your passengers be while you are tired?

If you are tired you should not be driving, so you will be in the same place as they are, on the side of the road taking a long nap.

Examples of subordinate clause are what?

"Because I was tired" or "Although it was raining"

How many seconds of following distance should be used if tired?

Several hundred. You should stop and rest.

When driving and get tired where should you pull over?

To be safe. a rest stop. or just try to make it thru.

What should you do to prevent fatigue from your driving?

If you are tired, pull in and take a short nap before continuing on your way.

What is the duration of Tired Business Men?

The duration of Tired Business Men is 1200.0 seconds.