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The perimeter of a rectangle is 2*(width + depth)

So 500 = 2*(104 + depth)

250 = 104 + depth

depth = 146 feet

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Q: If it takes 500 feet to of fencing to enclose a rectangular lot that is 104feet wide then how deep is the lot?
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What does 50cm by 40 cm means?

It is an area - something takes up a space that is 50 centimetres in length and 40 centimetres in width. (It is a rectangular space).

What is the difference between a perimetre and area?

Perimeter = the distance around the edge of the field; how much fence it takes to enclose the field. Area = how much land-surface the field covers, i.e. how many corn-stalks can be planted on it. ================================= Perimeter: the distance around the edge of the floor in the room. Area: how much carpet it takes to cover the floor.

How much barbedwire will you need for 20 acres?

The least possible length of fence that can enclose 20 acres is 3,308.75 ft.That's if the field is circular.If the field is square, then it takes 3,733.5 ft.If it's a rectangle ... straight sides but not a square ... then the perimeter can beanything more than 3,733.5 ft, depending on the shape of the rectangle. The areadoesn't tell you what the perimeter has to be.

What is some ways you can use square roots?

For example, when you want to know how large a square lot has to be, to have a certain area (a square lot uses less fencing than any other rectangle for the same area), when calculating how long an object takes to fall to the ground, and in many other situation where quadratic equations must be solved.

How many 2000 ft. rolls of fencing would be needed to fence 6 acres?

The problem here is that when you say "6 acres", that only tells the enclosedarea. It doesn't tell the shape or dimensions. The perimeter (length of the fencearound it) can be many different lengths, for different shapes and dimensions.-- The shortest possible fence is 1,812.3 feet, if the 6 acres is enclosed by a circlewith a 576.9-ft diameter.-- The shortest possible fence for a field with straight sides is 2,044.9 feet,if the 6-acres is enclosed by a square with 511.2-ft sides.-- If the field isn't square, there are an infinite number of rectangles, with differentdimensions, that all enclose 6 acres. The longer and skinnier the rectangle is, themore fence it takes to enclose it.Square, 511.2-ft x 511.2-ft.Area = 6 acres.Fence = 2,044.9 ft.Rectangle, 605-ft x 432-ft.Area = 6 acres.Fence = 2,074 ft.Rectangle, 1,815-ft x 144-ft.Area = 6 acres.Fence = 3,918 ft.Rectangle, 3,630-ft x 72-ft.Area = 6 acres.Fence = 7,404 ft.Rectangle, 29,040-ft x 9-ft.Area = 6 acres.Fence = 58,098 ft.

Related questions

How does fencing affect physics?

It doesn't. Fencing takes place in the physical world, and so it's action is ruled by the laws of physics, not the other way around. Physics is exactly the same whether fencing take place or not. How does physics affect fencing? Do your own homework.

Can you use old railroad ties to enclose gardens?

Yes you can and they are good to use because it takes along time for the to deteriorate

How often should you check your fencing?

You should ideally check your fencing daily, but at least every time that you're out with the horses. All it really takes is a glance around to see if any rails are down. It only takes a little time that a fence is down for the whole herd of horses to go trotting off into the sunset.

What does Carl's Jr have to offer you?

It is a west coast burger chain that has been around for about seventy years. I enclose a link to their history, which also takes you to their website itself.

How hard is fencing?

Almost anyone can fence -- even those who are physically disabled can frequently fence through wheelchair fencing. However, to actually master the sport takes thousands upon thousands of hours of practice, and Olympic fencers have typically trained for effectively their whole lives. Like almost anything else, fencing can be done poorly with little effort. However, to be great at it requires tremendous dedication and effort.

What is the theory of paying the cost of fencing for cattle versus absorbing loss of cattle?

The theory of paying the cost of fencing for cattle is based on prevention rather than dealing with the consequences of cattle loss. By investing in fencing, farmers can protect their cattle from predators and reduce potential losses. Absorbing the loss of cattle means accepting the risk of predation without taking preventative measures, which can be costly and impact the overall profitability of the farm.

How many fence post 10 ft apart will you need for a 1 acre pasture?

Specifying the area inside the fence doesn't tell you the dimensions, and the length of fence needed to enclose it (the perimeter) depends on the shape. -- The minimum fence that can enclose 1 acre is 740 feet (73 fence posts), around a circle with a diameter of 236 feet. -- The minimum fence that can enclose 1 acre with straight sides is 834 feet (83 fence posts), around a square with 208.7-foot sides. -- If it has straight sides but it's rectangular (not square), then the bigger the difference is between the length and width, the more fence (and posts) you need. For example, if the pasture is 6-ft wide and 7,260-ft long, it's exactly one acre, the horses have to stand in single-file while they graze, and it takes 14,532 feet of fence (1,453 fence posts) to enclose it.

How long did it take to become a samurai?

Becoming a samurai can take many years, as long as it takes to learn the martial arts, archery, fencing and many other skills.

What does 50cm by 40 cm means?

It is an area - something takes up a space that is 50 centimetres in length and 40 centimetres in width. (It is a rectangular space).

What kind of polygons appear in a honeycomb?

A honeycomb is composed mostly of hexagons. The outer edge takes the shape of it's container. If the honeycomb is in a normal hive super, the shape is rectangular.

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Halite typically forms cubic or rectangular shapes when broken or crushed due to its cubic crystal structure.

Where does autophagy take place?

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