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When does Christine begin eating, if you state the time then it would be easier.

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Q: If it takes Christina 1 hour and 15 minutes to eat dinner at what time will her family finish eating dinner?
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What is an example of a family custom?

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What are the two Thanksgiving tradition?

Eating Dinner with your Family and Watching Football!

What is the subject in this sentence The whole family eats dinner?

The subject in the sentence is "the whole family." It is the noun that performs the action of eating dinner.

How did you enjoy your Christmas?

I enjoyed my Christmas with my family and friends and eating my Christmas dinner

How do people feel when they are eating with their family?

Some people when eating with their family enjoy getting together because it's quality time; discussing different subjects; laughter and joking, but, unfortunately, there are some families that bicker while eating dinner which is harmful to the digestive system and often will fracture the need for family to gather at the dinner table.

Why is it recommended that a family eat dinner together?

Sitting at the table and eating dinner together, gives a family the opportunity to talk and catch up on what is going on in each others' lives. The diners are also less likely to overeat when they eat slowly during a family dinner.

How much family time does a regular middle scholer get?

most 6 graders get 2 minutes of family time counting dinner

Who looks better Christina Aguilera or Christina Milian?

for me and my friends and family,,,,christina aguilera ! :)

What does it mean when you dream of your family eating dinner?

There is not enough information for a reliable interpretation. This dream might depict a happy, loving family dinner or a miserable, bickering, angry occasion. The meaning of the dream lies in the emotional tone of the scene and its events.

Does Christina Ricci have a sister?

No she does not. Christina Ricci is the youngest of four siblings in her family...

What night is the family dinner for chanukah?

There is no tradition of a family dinner on Hanukkah. The family eats dinner every night during Hanukkah, according to their routine.

What time should be the Thanksgiving dinner?

This varies between families. Our family starts eating Thanksgiving dinner at five o'clock, an hour earlier than our normal time.