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Q: If it takes ten hens one week to lay 50 eggs how long will it take 3 hens to lay 600 eggs?
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How long does a male guinea take to fertilize eggs once introduced to hens?

As soon as the male serves the hens then the eggs should be fertilised.

How long does it take for a roosters egg to hatch?

Roosters don't lay eggs. Hens do.

How long do hens take to hatch eggs?

I'll tell you as soon as they've come out, someone told me about 20 days and one of our hens is sitting on her eggs now.

If one and a half hen lays one and a half eggs in a day and a half how long would three hens lay three eggs?

it will take one and a half day eg. if one hen lays one egg in one day. how long will two hens takes to lay two eggs? the answer is 1 day this question is really easy but the trick is that it has half on the question.

How long before barnevelder hens start to lay eggs?

It can take 6 to 12 months before Barnevelder hens start to lay eggs. The exact time is different for each hen.

How do hens take care of their eggs?

on sitting on them Hens on a farm lay eggs into straw and the hens sit on the eggs until they hatch. Hens in large chicken farms do get to have such a luxury. The chickens' eggs are kept under heat until they hatch.

If it takes 21 days for 21 chickens to lay 21 eggs how many days will it take 14 chickens to lay 14 eggs?

Actually it takes 21 days. Each chicken takes 21 days to lay an egg, so it takes 21 chickens to get 21 eggs. It also takes 14 chickens to lay 14 eggs in 21 days. Reasoning (mistakenly) that if it takes 21 hens 21 days to lay 21 eggs then it must take 14 hens 14 days to lay 14 eggs, eventually leads to 1 hen laying 1 egg in 1 day. If that were the case, then it would only take that 1 hen to lay 21 eggs in 21 days--but we know it takes 21 hens to lay that amount in 21 days.

How long is a hatching process for a chick?

21 days from the first day conditions are optimum. A constant temperature of 100 F and a humidity of 60% are ideal. Hens will take up to a week to collect a clutch of eggs and then start brooding when enough eggs are collected. Hens will steal eggs laid by other hens to add to her clutch.

How long does it take for plecostomus eggs to hatch?

It takes 2 to 3 days for the eggs to hatch.

How long does a hens body take to produce an egg how long does she rest before she makes another?

It takes about 24 hours for a hens to make an egg and after she has started to lay them them regularly she with lay 1 egg a day.

How long does it take a parakeet to lay its first eggs?

it takes 3 weeks

How long does an hens body take to produce an egg?

Once mature, it usually takes about 24-48 hours for a hens body to produce a single egg. This time will increase as the hen ages.