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Q: If just added 5 yards of dirt to my raised garden when can i start planting?
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When a number is raised to the nth degree which way does the decimal move?

It depends on whether the number you start with is greater than or less than 1.

If you start off with 2 cells and they double every minute how many cells do you have in 60 minutes. 2 4 8 16 32..?

that's two raised to 60... use a scientific calculator...

Chen multiplied her age by 2 added 8 divided by 4 and added 1 The result was 9 which could be the first step in finding Chen's age?

You work it backwards. Start with 9 -- the final result -- then subtract 1, multiply by 4, subtract 8, and divide by 2.

What two number multiplied equal 19 but when added 8?


Who was brought back to life in the Bible?

This is a difficult question and no definitive answer can be given. There are specific references to people who came back to life, including: 1. Elijah raised the son of the Zarephath widow from the dead (1 Kings 17:17-22). 2. Elisha raised the son of the Shunammite woman from the dead (2 Kings 4:32-35). 3. A man was raised from the dead when his body touched Elisha's bones (2 Kings 13:20, 21). 4. Many saints rose from the dead at the resurrection of Jesus (Matt. 27:50-53). 5. Jesus rose from the dead (Matt. 28:5-8; Mark 16:6; Luke 24:5, 6). 6. Jesus raised the son of the widow of Nain from the dead (Luke 7:11-15). 7. Jesus raised the daughter of Jairus from the dead (Luke 8:41, 42, 49-55). 8. Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11:1-44). 9. Peter raised Dorcas from the dead (Acts 9:36-41). 10. Eutychus was raised from the dead by Paul (Acts 20:9, 10). 11. Other references are much less specific, or prophetic, which would include Ezekiel 37:1-10 and Revelation 11:1-12. This is not a complete study, but should give you a good start. God bless.

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When do you start planting my garden TX?

Hi there you should start planting i your garden early early spring , this is because the weather starts getting better than and the temperature rises.In spring flowers also bloom so your plant should start to develop now.

What supplies do you need to start a garden?

seeds, soil, sun light, planting area

How do you start a garden?

go to your local nursery and pick out the seeds of what you'd like to grow. when planting the seeds follow the package directions carefully.

When does Planting season start for Texas?

That would depend on where you live in Texas and what it is you plan on planting. As a rule, it is usually after the last frost of the season. If you are talking about a vegetable or flower garden, most seed packs will give general instructions for when and how to plant.

I am making a vegetable patch in my garden and the soil all rocky and in clumps Any suggestions of what I should do so I can start planting vegetables at the start of the year thanks?

You should till the soil, get rid of as many rocks as you can and add some compost.

Is this a good time to start a garden?

Mid may is the ideal time to plant a garden with a variety of vegetation choices. However; late August should be a time when you can enjoy the fruits of your labor . Starting a garden this late in the year would cost you your time in labor, both in the planting phase and the removal of dead vegetation come winter.

What is indirect planting?

commonly done with the trees... indirect planting is when the plants need to be transferred to its permanent place

What sorts of items are put into a garden starter kit?

It would depend upon what type of garden is required as to what one would include in a garden starter kit. Typically though some kind of tools would be required, like a spade and a fork, trowels for planting seedlings and a hoe for weeding. To start growing seeds you need compost, pots and seeds and a propagator.

Which garden supplies are necessary to start a new garden?

Seed Slitter and plows are common garden supplies that are necessary to start a new garden. You can read more at

When do you start planting seeds outside?

it really depends on which kind of fruit it is

When did Hawaii start planting coffee?

i dont know this website stinks

Can you start an oak tree from a branch?

no way its like planting a leaf