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Q: If more than five 7's are followed by 3 multiply 6 by 9 if less than 3 divide 35 by?
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5734723731737473873573 If more than five 7s are followed by 3 multiply 6 by 9 if less than 3 divide 35 by 5?


5734723731737473873573 If more than five 7's are followed by 3 multiply 6 by 9 if less than 3 divide 35 by 5 The correct answer?

You haven't asked for the results of our calculation, so the most correct answer is "Acknowledged and will comply".

What are the properties in solving equations and inequations?

You can add, subtract, multiply, or divide both sides of the equation or inequality by the same number. Don't multiply or divide by zero. In the case of an inequality, if you multiply or divide by a negative number, the sign of the inequality must be reversed. E.g., if you multiply both sides by -2, a "less-than" sign should be replaced by a "greater-than" sign.

How can you calculate the maximum number of people for boats less than 20 ft. in length?

Multiply boat length (in feet) by boat width (in feet), then divide by 15.

When you multiply or divide both sides by a negative number then switch the direction of the?

The relation = , is less than, is greater than inequality sign

How do you divide withe decimals?

Its less awkward with decimals with a decimal point to multiply the top and bottom out to remove the decimal points. example: divide 125.24 by 8.6 so 125.24/8.6 , so multiply top and bottom by 100, gives 12524/860 , then divide out, the result is the same.

When comparing 96 fl oz with 8 pt do you need to multiply or divide?

A pint is 16 ounces. Whether you multiply or divide depends on which units you use to compare. To compare as pints, you need to divide ounces by 16. 96/16 = 6 which is less than 8 pints. To compare ounces, you need to multiply pints by 16. 8 * 16 = 128 which is more than 96 ounces.

Is 7 feet greater or less than 96 inches?

Multiply the feet by 12, or divide the inches by 12. Then you can easily compare the two measurements.

When do you flip less than greater than sign?

When dividing by negative numbers or dividing by fractions.

How is inequality differant from equation?

The difference is that instead of the sign "=", an inequality sign, for example "<" (less-than) is used. For solving inequalities, you can add, subtract, multiply or divide both sides by the same number, similar to an equation; however, if you multiply or divide by a negative number, the direction of the inequality changes. For example, "<" becomes ">".

If you multiply a number by 5 but the result is less than 5 what would the number be?

Zero (0) --> 5 * 0 = 0 --> 0 < 5 (Zero is less than Five)

Dividing by a fraction less than one?

Multiply by 1/fraction. For example to divide 10 by 2/3, calculate 10 x 3/2